



Sets the current animation layer for the specified objects. The current layer can only be set to a valid layer.

Scripting Syntax

SetCurrentAnimationLayer( [InputObjs], Layer, [CreateLayer] );


Parameter Type Description
InputObjs String List of objects.

Default Value: Currently selected objects

Layer Long Animation layer to set keys on
CreateLayer Boolean Create layers if they do not exist

Default Value: False


VBScript Example


' In this example, an FCurve is created on the XPos param

' of the sphere. Then, two keys are created (at frame 1,

' XPos = -2; at frame 30, XPos = 5). A layer is then added

' to adjust the end frame position. (frame 30, XPos = 8)



CreatePrim "Sphere", "NurbsSurface", "MySphere"

' Add a posx fcurve

AddFCurve "MySphere.kine.local.posx"

' Add two keys, at frame 1 and 30

SaveKey "MySphere.kine.local.posx", 1, -2 

SaveKey "MySphere.kine.local.posx", 30, 5 

' Set to layer 1

SetCurrentAnimationLayer ,1,True

' Add two layer keys, at frame 1 and 30

SaveKey "MySphere.kine.local.posx", 1, 0 

SaveKey "MySphere.kine.local.posx", 30, 3 

' Set back to layer 0

SetCurrentAnimationLayer ,0

' Play the animation


See Also

GetCurrentAnimationLayer GetNumberOfAnimationLayers AddAnimationLayer DeleteAnimationLayer DuplicateAnimationLayer RemoveAnimation RemoveAllAnimation SaveKey RemoveKey PrevKey FirstKey LastKey Parameter.AddFCurve