



Prevents modifying the envelope weights of the specified deformers.

The effect of an envelope deformation is controlled by a weight mapping. You can modify these envelope weights with painting, smoothing, or numerical edition tools. This command allows you to block weights for some deformers to be modified either directly or indirectly through normalization.

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = LockEnvelopeDeformerWeights( PropObj, Deformers, [Locked] );

Return Value

Returns an XSICollection containing the new Operator that applies the locking.


Parameter Type Description
PropObj String Envelope weights property for which we want to lock the weights.
Deformers XSICollection of deformer objects (see the example below) List of deformers to be locked.
Locked Boolean Should these deformers be locked (otherwise unlocked).

Default Value: True


VBScript Example


'	This example illustrates how you can control the normalization process

'	when setting envelope weights by using weight locking. Normalization

'	automatically enforces that the sum of the weights for a given point

'	is always maintained to 100% when modifying weights numerically,

'	by painting or through any of the other weight editing commands.


' We start with a simple cylinder enveloped to a 6 bone chain

NewScene , false

set oCyl = CreatePrim( "Cylinder", "MeshSurface" )

SetValue "cylinder.cylinder.height", 10

SetValue "cylinder.polymsh.geom.subdivv", 20

SetValue "cylinder.polymsh.geom.subdivu", 16

Create2DSkeleton 1.97818728045807E-02, 5.04656031338284, 0, 0.81105678498785, 3.66123003127775, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4

AppendBone "eff", 0.890184276206176, 1.91967196234563, 0

AppendBone "eff", 0.969311767424504, 0.257275623819517, 0

AppendBone "eff", 1.00887551303367, -1.76134850153362, 0

AppendBone "eff", 0.969311767424504, -3.18625964884171, 0

AppendBone "eff", 1.97818728045807E-02, -4.96739858297683, 0

SelectObj "cylinder", , True

ApplyFlexEnv "cylinder;bone,bone1,bone2,bone3,bone4,bone5,eff", False, 0

' Say that for a given set of points you want to set the

' envelope weight assignment so that the points are weighted

' 50% to "bone1", 25% to "bone" and 25% to "bone2"

' You can first set the weight for these points to 50% to "bone1"

SIModifyFlexEnvWght "cylinder.polymsh.cls.EnvelopWeightCls.Envelope_Weights", "bone1", _

	"cylinder.pnt[18,19,41,42,64,65,87,88,110,111,133,134,156,157,179,180,202,203,225,226,248,249,271,272,294,295,317,318,340,341,363,364]", 0, 50

' Get the list of deformers to use as input to the LockEnvelopeDeformerWeights command

set oDefs = CreateObject( "XSI.Collection" )

oDefs.SetAsText "bone1" 

' Tip - Alternatively, you could use "oDefs.Add oCyl.Envelopes(0).Deformers(0)" to populate the Deformers collection

' Now to avoid that normalization affects the new 50%

' assignment, we can lock the weights for deformer "bone1" as follows:

LockEnvelopeDeformerWeights "cylinder.polymsh.cls.EnvelopWeightCls.Envelope_Weights", oDefs, True

' Now we can assign the two other bones to 25% without having normaliztion

' affect the "bone1" values.

SIModifyFlexEnvWght "cylinder.polymsh.cls.EnvelopWeightCls.Envelope_Weights", "bone", _ 

	"cylinder.pnt[18,19,41,42,64,65,87,88,110,111,133,134,156,157,179,180,202,203,225,226,248,249,271,272,294,295,317,318,340,341,363,364]", 0, 25

SIModifyFlexEnvWght "cylinder.polymsh.cls.EnvelopWeightCls.Envelope_Weights", "bone2", _ 

	"cylinder.pnt[18,19,41,42,64,65,87,88,110,111,133,134,156,157,179,180,202,203,225,226,248,249,271,272,294,295,317,318,340,341,363,364]", 0, 25

' Now once we're done we can unlock the weights for that

' deformer in the same way:

LockEnvelopeDeformerWeights "cylinder.polymsh.cls.EnvelopWeightCls.Envelope_Weights", oDefs, False

' We could have also simply cleared all weight locks as follows:

ClearEnvelopeWeightLocks "cylinder.polymsh.cls.EnvelopWeightCls.Envelope_Weights"

' Now weights don't need to be locked on a per deformer basis.

' One could have locked individual point/deformer weight pairs as follows:

LockEnvelopeWeights "cylinder.polymsh.cls.EnvelopWeightCls.Envelope_Weights", Array(41, 42, 64, 65), Array(1, 1, 2, 2), True

' This last command locks the weight for points 41 and 42 for deformer 1 (the

' second deformer since indices start at zero) and points 64 and 65 for deformer 2.

See Also

SIApplyFlexEnv LockEnvelopeWeights LockEnvelopePointWeights ClearEnvelopeWeightLocks SIModifyFlexEnvWght Envelope