



Creates a runtime scripted operator whose definition is saved within the scene. A runtime scripted operator is one that is embedded within the scene and doesn't require self-installing callbacks or the installation of SPDL file.

The implementation of the scripted operator is defined using a string saved in the Code parameter. To specify an implementation file on disk, use AddScriptedOpFromFile or AddCustomOp instead.

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = AddScriptedOp( OutputObjs, [Code], InputObjs, [Name], [Language], [ConstructionMode] );

Return Value

Returns an CustomOperator that contains a runtime-designed scripted operator


Parameter Type Description
OutputObjs List List of objects or parameters to connect the output ports to.
Code String The script containing the implementation of the scripted operator.
InputObjs List List of objects or parameters to connect the input ports to.
Name String The name of the new operator

Default Value: ScriptedOp

Language String The script language of the operator fo

Default Value: Value from Application.Preferences.Scripting.Language

ConstructionMode siConstructionMode Specifies which construction mode the operator will be applied. This only applies to output connections made to Geometry objects, the mode will be ignored for all other types of connections.

Default Value: Use the current construction mode


JScript Example


	This example demonstrates how to create and connect a scripted operator

	that constrains the local posx of an object to the value of 2.


// ------------------------------------------------------------


//	This is an easy way to specify the code as a string:

//	define it as a regular function as part of this

//	example and then use the JScript function toString()

//	to save the function as a string variable that we

// 	can assign to the Code parameter of the AddScriptedOp

//	command.


function fred_Update( ctx, out ) 


	LogMessage( "fred::Update()" );

	out.Value = 2;


// ------------------------------------------------------------


//	Set up the null and apply the scripted operator to

//	its posx parameter. Print the value of the posx

//	parameter before and after.


// Create scene and apply operator

NewScene( null, false );

GetPrim( "null" );

// Get the value of posx before applying the operator

Application.LogMessage( "posx = " + GetValue( "null.kine.local.posx" ) );

// Create and apply the operator to the null's posx

var str = fred_Update.toString();

var op = AddScriptedOp( "null.kine.local.posx", str ,null,"fred" );

// Get the constrained value

Application.LogMessage( "posx = " + GetValue( "null.kine.local.posx" ) );

// ------------------------------------------------------------


//	Since the scripted operator is returned, we can use

//	the methods and properties of the Operator object.


// Log details of operator

Application.LogMessage( "Scripted Operator: " + op.FullName );

Application.LogMessage( "\tClassName: " + ClassName(op) );

Application.LogMessage( "\tType: "+ op.Type );

Application.LogMessage( "\tLanguage: "+ op.Language );

Application.LogMessage( "\tAlwaysEvaluate: "+ op.AlwaysEvaluate );

Application.LogMessage( "\tDebug: "+ op.Debug );

Application.LogMessage( "\tMute: "+ op.Mute );

Application.LogMessage( "\tFileName: "+ op.FileName );

Application.LogMessage( "\tCode: "+ op.Code );

// ------------------------------------------------------------


//	Output of this example. Notice that FileName returns 

//	nothing because the code has been defined on the fly:


//INFO : "posx = 0"


//INFO : "fred::Update()"

//INFO : "posx = 2"

//INFO : "Scripted Operator: null.kine.local.fred"

//INFO : "	ClassName: CustomOperator"

//INFO : "	Type: fred"

//INFO : "	Language: JScript"

//INFO : "	AlwaysEvaluate: false"

//INFO : "	Debug: 0"

//INFO : "	Mute: false"

//INFO : "	FileName: "

//INFO : "	Code: function fred_Update( ctx, out ) 


//	LogMessage( "fred::Update()" );


//	out.Value = 2;


See Also

ApplyOp AddScriptedOpFromFile ConvertScriptedOp AddCustomOp ProjectItem.AddScriptedOp CustomOperator