



Converts a preset-based scripted operator into a runtime-designed scripted operator. The difference between a preset-based and runtime-designed operator are as follows:

Runtime-based scripted operators are saved as part of the scene. Preset-based plug-in operators, either compiled or scripted, are saved as references and have an associated preset file (.preset file extension) and spdl file (.spdl file extension).

You cannot load a scene that has references to the preset-based scripted operator if you do not have the plug-in operator installed on your system. To determine which scripted operators are installed you can use the 'xsi -l' command line option or view the list of installed scripted operators in the add-on packaging dialog.

Note: The Self-Installed Custom Operator (SICO) is the preferred way to implement custom operators in Softimage; however, this command cannot convert SICOs to runtime operators.

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = ConvertScriptedOp( [Source] );

Return Value

Returns an Operator that contains a runtime-designed version of the preset-based scripted operator


Parameter Type Description
Source Operator The preset-based scripted operator

Default Value: Currently selected preset-based scripted operator


JScript Example


	This example demonstrates how to use the ConvertScriptedOp command to generate a

	legacy runtime operator from a preset-based operator definition. Since the preferred

	implementation for custom operators is now Self-Installing Custom Operator, this

	example first creates a legacy runtime operator, and then writes it to a spdl file 

	and registers the new spdl file so that we have a preset-based legacy operator to use.

	Once a preset-based legacy operator has been saved to disk and registered in Softimage, this

	example creates a new scene and runs the ConvertScriptedOp command to create a new

	runtime version of the preset-based operator.


// ---------------------------------------------------



// Create scene and apply operator

NewScene( null, false );

GetPrim( "null" );

// Create and apply the operator to the null's posx

var str = DemoSpdlFile_Update.toString();

var op = AddScriptedOp( "null.kine.local.posx", str, null, "DemoSpdlFile" );

// Create a preset from it 

spdlpath = XSIUtils.BuildPath( 


	"Application", "spdl" 


var fso = XSIFactory.CreateActiveXObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" );

if ( !fso.FolderExists(spdlpath) ) {	// Create the directory if it doesn't exist



spdlpath = XSIUtils.BuildPath( spdlpath, "DemoSpdlFile.spdl" );

CreateDemoSpdlFileOnDisk( spdlpath );

XSIUtils.RegisterSPDL( spdlpath, true );

// ---------------------------------------------------



// Now run the ConvertScriptedOp command in a new scene

NewScene( null, false );

var myNull = GetPrim( "null" );

var myPresetBasedOp = ApplyOp( "DemoSpdlFile", myNull )(0);

var myRuntimeDesignedOp = ConvertScriptedOp( myPresetBasedOp );

// ---------------------------------------------------



// Update function

function DemoSpdlFile_Update( ctx, out ) 


	Application.LogMessage( "DemoSpdlFile::Update()" );

	out.Value = 2;


// Create SPDL file

function CreateDemoSpdlFileOnDisk( in_path )


	// Set up text to write to spdl file

	var spdltext = "SPDL\nVersion = \"\";\nReference = \"{CE89DBEF-EA05-4378-B507-4A6718"

		+ "25641F}\";\nName = \"DemoSpdlFile\";\n\nPropertySet \"DemoSpdlFile_Params\"\n{\n"

		+ "\tParameter \"DemoSpdlFile\"\n\t{\n\t\tName\t= \"DemoSpdlFile\";\n\t\tGuid\t= \""

		+ "{CE89DBEF-EA05-4378-B507-4A671825641F}\";\n\t\tCaps\t= Persistable;\n\t\tType\t="

		+ " VT_EMPTY;\n\t}\n\n}\n\n\nLayout \"Default\"\n{\n}\nPortSet \"DemoSpdlFile_Ports"

		+ "\"\n{\n\tGroup \"Group_0\"\n\t{\n\t\tOrigin = Select;\n\t\tPickMessage = \"Group"

		+ "_0\";\n\n\t\tOutput \"Outposx\"\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tMajor = {9E04FCEE-10F3-11D0-943A-0"

		+ "0AA006D3165};\n\t\t\tMinor = {4125B131-86EF-11D1-B1AB-0800360BFF02};\n\t\t\tComp"

		+ "onent = {06294283-B94B-11D2-B87F-00A0C92469BE};\n\t\t\tAttributes = 0x00009001;\n"

		+ "\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\nPlugin = Scripted\n{\n\tLanguage = \"JScript\";\n\n\tUpdate =\n"

		+ "\tBeginScript\n\tDemoSpdlFile_Update(In_UpdateContext, Out);\n\n\tEndScript\n\n"

		+ "\tHelpers =\n\tBeginScript\nfunction DemoSpdlFile_Update( ctx, out ) \n{ \n   Ap"

		+ "plication.LogMessage( \"DemoSpdlFile::Update()\" );\n   out.Value = 2;\n}\n\tEnd"

		+ "Script\n}";

	// Create a spdl file on disk

	var fso = new ActiveXObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" );

	var ts = fso.CreateTextFile( in_path );

	ts.Write( spdltext );

