Synoptic controls pipe the contents of a synoptic view through an area on the property page. They are associated to an underlying string parameter which holds the full path to the synoptic file.
You create them using the PPGLayout.AddItem or PPGLayout::AddItem method with the siControlSynoptic control type enum:
# ** during parameter definition (for example, in the Define callback) ** # add string parameter for synoptic widget to a custom property and set # it to the location of the synoptic page oCustomProperty.AddParameter3( "SynWagon", c.siString, synfile ) # ** during control creation (for example, in the DefineLayout callback) ** # no convenience method for the synoptic widget control oLayout = oCustomProperty.PPGLayout oItem = oLayout.AddItem( "SynWagon", "", c.siControlSynoptic ) oItem.SetAttribute( c.siUINoLabel, true )