This example includes three different plug-ins that show how to build property pages (PPGs).
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To run the EmbeddedSynoptic example
This command creates a cone and adds a custom property to the cone. The property page includes an embedded synoptic view.
To run the PPGDemos example
To run the SimpleProperty example
The plug-in adds the SimpleProperty property to all selected objects (or, if nothing is selected, to the scene root).
This example uses the following keywords:
JScript example, VBScript example, RegisterCommand, ActiveSceneRoot, AddProperty, CustomProperty, AddParameter2, AddParameter3, PPGLayout, AddItem, AddButton, Logic, SetAttribute, LogicPrefix, AddGroup, EndGroup, AddRow, EndRow, InspectObj, PSet.Inspected, NoLabel, ValueOnly, NoSlider, Decimals, Refresh, EditParameterDefinition, siUIFileFilter, siControlFilePath, siUIOpenFile, siUIInitialDir, siUISubFolder, siUIFileMustExist, siUIInitialDir, AddString, InstallationPath, PSet.Scripts.Value, PSet.File.Value, ActiveXObject, Scripting.FileSystemObject, Execute, OnInit, OnChanged, OnClicked, CreateLayout, Curve, Value, Keys, GetKeyValue, AddGeometry, AddCluster, Geometry, Clusters, ActivePrimitive, FindIndex, FcurveData, BinaryData, AddGridParameter, siControlGrid, AddItem, AddEnumControl, SetAttribute, siUINoSlider, SetRowValues, RowValue, ColumnCount, SetColumnLabel, SetRowLabel, SetColumnValues, EndEdit, BeginEdit, AddProxyParam, AddColor, VBArray, Desktop, ActiveLayout, Views, Property Panel, targetcontent, AddFCurveParameter, synoptic, embedded synoptic, property page, PPG, controls, TextEditor, Text, Editor, Scintilla, Folding, Margin, LineNumbering, Numbering, LineWrap, Language, syntax, highlighting, keywords