Public Attributes
tagXSI_RTS_TriangleList Struct Reference

Detailed Description

The XSI_RTS_TriangleList structure. Provided only for backward compatibility.

Triangles are packed into lists. Each list can either be a single triangle strip or a list of unconnected triangles. The triangle list contains the triangle lists themselves.

The m_pReserved fields are added in order for the tagXSI_RTS_TriangleList to use the same amount of memory as a C3DStrip<TvCoord, TNormal, TColor, TTCCord> object. This enables you to cast an array of one type into an array of another type without problems. For example, this is used in the following:
 C3DDrawObject<TVcoord, TNormal, TColor, TTcoord>::RealtimeShaderDraw 
7.0. Prior to v7.0, this structure was used by the tagXSI_RTS_TriangulatedGeometry structure which was used to store the geometry. Now you can use the _XSI_RTS_Attribute structure to define which type of data on the mesh or point cloud to be used in rendering and return it from the GetRequirements callback function.
See also:
GetRequirements, _XSI_RTS_Attribute

#include <XSI_rtshaders.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

ULONG  m_lOffset
ULONG  m_lNbVertices
ULONG  m_lType
ULONG  m_lMinIndex
ULONG  m_lMaxIndex
void *  m_pReserved0
void *  m_pReserved1
void *  m_pReserved2
ULONG  m_lReserved3

Member Data Documentation

ULONG m_lOffset

Starting offset of the triangle list

Number of vertices for the triangle list

ULONG m_lType

Type of triangle list (strip, list, fan : Mapped with OGL constants)

Minimum index used for this triangle list

Maximum index used for this triangle list

Reserved 0

Reserved 1

Reserved 2

Reserved 3

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: