Public Attributes
_XSI_RTS_Attribute Struct Reference

Detailed Description

Defines the attributes to consider when rendering geometry data. These XSI_RTS_Attribute structs are returned in the GetAttributeList callback function.

This structure holds the name of a single vertex attribute and optionally, its standard vertex attribute hardware slot.

m_szName The name of the attribute
m_eVertexAttrib The standard vertex attribute hardware slot
See also:
eStandardVertexAttribute, GetAttributeList, IRTSExecutionState::DrawGeometry, IRTSExecutionState::GetAttributeDescriptorFromMapping, cus_rtshad_GeometryData Geometry Data , cus_rtshad_ExecutionFlow Execution Flow

#include <XSI_rtshaders.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

char *  m_szName
eStandardVertexAttribute  m_eVertexAttrib

Member Data Documentation

char* m_szName

Name of a vertex attribute

Standard vertex attribute hardware slot

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