






2 番目の引数により、接続解除するシェーダのタイプを指定できます。

注: 以前に接続を解除して使用されなくなったシェーダは自動的に削除されます。


RemoveAllShadersFromCnxPoint( [InputObjs], [Type] );


パラメータ タイプ 詳細
InputObjs 文字列 接続ポイントのリスト。

デフォルト値: 現在選択されている値

タイプ siShaderCnxPointType 接続解除する接続ポイントのタイプ

デフォルト値: siShaderCnxPointAll

VBScript の例

' This example demonstrates how to disconnect shaders on a scene object. It
' also shows how you can find out whether the object's material is connected
' to a shader or a texture.
sPath = XSIUtils.BuildPath( _
        Application.InstallationPath( siFactoryPath ), _
        "Data", "XSI_SAMPLES", "Scenes", "Rendering", _
        "Rendertree_Displacement_Cell.scn" _
OpenScene sPath, False
' Select the grid and get a pointer to it
SelectObj "grid"
Set oGrid = Selection(0)
' Output at this point (before removing the shaders):
' INFO : --------------------------------------------
' INFO : Found a shader on Surface
' INFO : Found a texture on Displacement
' INFO : Found a shader on Shadow
' INFO : Found a shader on Photon
displayDetails oGrid
' Disconnect the shaders, if any, connected to the grid material Volume,
' Displacement and Photon connection points. (Note that specifying the 
' Volume parameter is redundant in this case since it is not connected)
Set oCnxPoints = CreateObject( "XSI.Collection" )
oCnxPoints.Add oGrid.Material.Parameters( "volume" )
oCnxPoints.Add oGrid.Material.Parameters( "displacement" )
oCnxPoints.Add oGrid.Material.Parameters( "photon" )
RemoveAllShadersFromCnxPoint oCnxPoints, siShaderCnxPointAll
' Output at this point (notice that we only disconnected the shaders on the
' Displacement and Photon points so we still have shaders on Surface and
' Shadow):
' INFO : --------------------------------------------
' INFO : Found a shader on Surface
' INFO : Found a shader on Shadow
displayDetails oGrid
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------
function displayDetails( in_obj )
        Application.LogMessage "--------------------------------------------"
        ' Look for each parameter that is connected to a shader and print its name
        For Each p In in_obj.Material.Parameters
                If TypeName( p.Source ) = "Shader" Then
                        Application.LogMessage "Found a shader on " & p.Name
                ElseIf TypeName( p.Source ) = "Texture" Then
                        Application.LogMessage "Found a texture on " & p.Name
                End If
end function


AddObjectsToShader RemoveObjectsFromShader ApplyShader RemoveShaderFromCnxPoint SIConnectShaderToCnxPoint