この例では、タコリグをビルドします。 このタコリグを構成する内容は、次のとおりです。
頭コンポーネント(MakeHead コマンド)
タコ脚用の 8 本の尾コンポーネント(MakeTail コマンド)
コントロール用の数個のリグ アイコン コンポーネント(MakeRigIcon コマンド)
ガイドヌ ルのコレクションは、エレメントを配置する各コマンドに渡されます。
// build list of guide object positions and names BuildGuideArrays(); var Octopus = new Object(); /* MAKE MODEL AND GLOBAL SRT ICON */ Octopus.Model = ActiveSceneRoot.AddModel(); Octopus.Model.Name = "Octopus" Octopus.GlobalSRT = makeRigIcon(Octopus.Model, 4, 0,0,0, //position 1,1,1, //icon length,width,height 893, //color "GlobalSRT" //name ); //Make the main octopus controller Octopus.BodyCtrl = makeRigIcon(Octopus.GlobalSRT, 2, 0,4.5,0, //position 5,1.4,5, //icon length,width,height 253, //color "BodyCtrl" //name ); //Make the tentacle control (manipulate to settle the tentacles) Octopus.TentacleCtrl = makeRigIcon(Octopus.BodyCtrl, 2, 0,4.5,0, //position 2.5,1,2.5, //icon length,width,height 49, //color "TentacleCtrl" //name ); Octopus.TentacleCtrl.Kinematics.AddConstraint("Pose",Octopus.BodyCtrl,true); /* MAKE THE HEAD */ guidecoll = CreateGuideColl(guidepos, guidename, Array(0,1,2)); Octopus.Head = MakeHead(Octopus.BodyCtrl, //head parent guidecoll, //guide collection "Octo", //object name prefix 1, //spine head and neck 0, //head type (ignored unless creating box shadow) 3, //number of vertebrae 1, //stretch spine null, //spine sliders null, //ear guide collection 0, //shadow type null); //shadow parent DeleteObj( guidecoll ); /* MAKE THE TENTACLES */ guidecoll = CreateGuideColl(guidepos, guidename, Array(3,4,5,6,7)); var lXfm = XSIMath.CreateTransform(); lXfm.SetIdentity(); lXfm.SetRotationFromXYZAnglesValues(0,2*3.1415/8,0); Octopus.Tentacles = new Array(); for(i=0;i<8;i++) { OffsetGuideColl(guidecoll, lXfm); Octopus.Tentacles[i] = MakeTail(Octopus.BodyCtrl, //head parent guidecoll, //guide collection 6, //number of bones 0, //shadow type null); //shadow parent Octopus.Tentacles[i].Root.Kinematics.AddConstraint("Pose",Octopus.TentacleCtrl,true); } DeleteObj( guidecoll ); Translate(Octopus.BodyCtrl, 0, 2, 0, siRelative, siView, siObj, siXYZ, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 0); //---------------------------------------------- // Build an array of guide positions and names //---------------------------------------------- function BuildGuideArrays() { guidepos = new Array(); guidename = new Array(); for (i=0;i<33;i++) { guidepos[i] = XSIMath.CreateVector3(); } i=0; //0 to 2 guidepos[i].Set(0,5,0); guidename[i++] = "SpineBase"; guidepos[i].Set(0,7,0); guidename[i++] = "SpineBaseDepth"; guidepos[i].Set(0,9,0); guidename[i++] = "SpineEndDepth"; //3 to 7 guidepos[i].Set(1,5,0); guidename[i++] = "TentacleBase"; guidepos[i].Set(3,5,0); guidename[i++] = "Tentacle1"; guidepos[i].Set(5,5,0); guidename[i++] = "Tentacle2"; guidepos[i].Set(7,5,0); guidename[i++] = "Tentacle3"; guidepos[i].Set(9,5,0); guidename[i++] = "TentacleTip"; } //------------------------------------------------------- // From array of positions and names created in BuildGuideArrays(), // create a collection of guide nulls //------------------------------------------------------- function CreateGuideColl( in_aGuidePositions, in_aGuideNames, in_Indices) { var lXfm = XSIMath.CreateTransform(); var guidecoll = new ActiveXObject("XSI.Collection"); var idx; for(idx=0; idx<in_Indices.length; idx++) { // logmessage(in_Indices[idx] + " " + in_aGuideNames[in_Indices[idx]]); guidecoll.Add( GetPrim("Null", in_aGuideNames[in_Indices[idx]]) ); lXfm.SetTranslation(in_aGuidePositions[in_Indices[idx]]); guidecoll(idx).Kinematics.Global.Transform = lXfm; } return guidecoll; } function OffsetGuideColl( in_GuideColl, in_OffsetXfo) { var GuideXfm, idx; for(idx=0; idx<in_GuideColl.count; idx++) { GuideXfm = in_GuideColl(idx).Kinematics.Global.Transform; GuideXfm.Mul(GuideXfm,in_OffsetXfo); in_GuideColl(idx).Kinematics.Global.Transform = GuideXfm; } }