Toon Mix

| Render Tree Usage

Category: Processing > Mixers

Shader Family: Texture

Output: Color

A general-purpose two-color mixer, such as that used in other Toon Shaders.


The shader's name. Enter any name you like, or leave the default.


Foreground color.


Background color.


Specify a transfer mode for combining the foreground color with the background color. The following modes are available:

  • Normal. Normal is the default. It simply takes the foreground.

  • Add. The foreground is added to the background. Thus, no foreground will be visible if the foreground is black. This is useful for compositing such that the foreground appear to glow.

  • Multiply. Multiply the foreground by the background. The result is always a color darker than either original foreground or background, much like the result of two overhead transparencies stacked and projected from a single projector.

  • Screen. The inverses of the two color values are multiplied. The result is a foreground brighter than either the original foreground or background.

  • Overlay. Overlay either multiplies or screens, depending on the value of the background underneath. Overall the effect is that the background is not replaced by the foreground, but is mixed with it, while weighted by the value of the original background.

  • Lighten. Compare the values of the foreground and background and chooses the lighter of the two. The overall result is that the foreground can never do anything but make the background lighter.

  • Darken. Compares the values of the foreground and background and choose the darker of the two. The overall result is that the foreground can never do anything but make the background darker.

  • Difference. The foreground is subtracted from the background, producing an inverted color effect.

  • Hue. Use the luminance and saturation of the background and the hue of the foreground.

  • Saturation. Use the hue and luminance of the background and the saturation of the foreground.

  • Value. Use the hue and saturation of the background and the luminance (value) of the foreground.

  • Soft Light. If the value of foreground is greater/less than 50% gray, the underlying background is lightened/darkened by the foreground. This is similar to shining a diffuse light on the image.

  • Hard Light. If the value of foreground is greater/less than 50% gray, the background is screened/multiplied by the foreground. This is similar to shining a harsh light on the image.

  • Exclusion. Similar (though not identical) to Difference mode.

Select Weight

Color compositing may be controlled by a weight value. Weight may be selected and a value specified using the parameter provided. Otherwise one of Alpha, Average, or Intensity of either foreground of background color may be selected.


Specify a weight. A setting of 0 will leave the foreground color unchanged.

Render Tree Usage

Use this shader wherever you need to mix two color using the Toon shader style compositing (transfer) modes.