Uses logical statements to control two scalar values. This shader always returns a value based on input 1 and how it is affected
by the operation and input 2.
The shader's name. Enter any name you like, or leave the default.
Input 1
Defines the first scalar value input.
Defines the statement the shader will use.
Is Equal to: Causes input 1 to be equal to input 2.
Is Less Than: Causes input 1 to have a lower value than input 2.
Is Greater Than: Causes input 1 to have a higher value than input 2.
Is Less Than or Equal to: Causes input 1 to be less or equal in value than input 2.
Is Greater Than or Equal to: Causes input 1 to be greater than or equal in value to input 2.
Input 2
Defines the second scalar value.
Render Tree Usage
Used to connect one or two scalar-output shaders (texture generators, other math shaders) to the Input parameters. Once a
function is selected, the output can be used on any shader that accepts a scalar input.