This compound is used 'under the hood' in Goal compounds. It defines how particles move toward one or more goal objects. You
use this compound in conjunction with the Set Particle Goal compound, which defines the location of the goals for the particles.
Plug this compound's Execute port into a Port on the ICETree node or in an Execute port of a State compound, if you're using
the state system.
To add this node, drag it into an ICE tree from the \Data\Compounds subdirectory of the Softimage installation location.
Output Ports: Execute
The amount that the particles are attracted to the goal objects.
The type of velocity used to calculate how the particles reach the goal objects: Set New Velocity; Multiply by Existing Velocity;
or Multiply by Emit Velocity.
This graph determines the particle velocity over the distance to the goal objects.
If you selected Multiply by Existing Velocity or by Emit Velocity as the Select Speed Method option, set the multiplier value
Toggles the use of the Max Acceleration option. Turn this off if you don't want any limit on the acceleration.
The maximum acceleration value that particles can reach when moving towards a goal.
Limits the particle turning rate to the Max Turning Rate value below.
The maximum rate of turning that you want the particles to do while moving toward the goal.
Rotates particles so that they are aligned in the direction of the normals of a object.
If you selected Align Particle with Goal Normal, select this local particle axis you want to use for aligning it to the goal's
normals. The Y axis is typically the vector that points along the length of a particle. If you change your particle type to
cone, you can see that the Y axis is the direction of the cone point. The X and Y axes are the sideways axes.
This graph determines the particle orientation over the distance to the goal objects.