Billboard Orientation

This compound aligns particles so that their Y axes always point in the direction of the camera's Z axis, allowing you to do true "billboard" effects. You can also rotate the particles at any angle around the direction of the camera's Z axis.

Plug this compound's Execute output into a port on the ICETree node.

See also the Align Particle to Camera compound for other billboard effects.

Particle billboards pointing at the camera's Z axis.

Particles rotated with an angle of 45 degrees around the camera's Z axis.

Tasks: Particles/Orientation

Output Ports: Execute


The name of the camera (or any object) to which the particles are aligned.

Do any of the following to define the camera or object to use:

  • Create a Get Data node for the Camera object, then plug this node's Out Name output into this port.

  • Click the Pick button and pick a camera object in the scene.

  • Click the Explorer button and select a camera object name from the list.

  • Enter a camera's name in the text box.


Rotates the particles in the direction of the camera's Z axis. This lets you spin a particle once it has been aligned in the direction of the camera's Y axis.

For example, if the sprites are getting rotated -90 degrees when they're applied to the particles, you can rotate them so that the image is oriented correctly on each particle.


The method by which the particle's Y axis is aligned:

  • Screen Aligned Billboard: Aligns the particles according to the camera's Y axis.

  • World Oriented Billboard: Aligns the particles according to the global space's Y axis.