When you specify an FBX file to export from Softimage, the FBX Exporter window opens where you can set the FBX export options.
At the end of the export process a custom property named ExportFBXOptions is added below the scene root. This property stores the FBX export options that you set and they are read back into the Export FBX Options dialog box when the scene is exported again.
Choose File Crosswalk
Export FBX. For more details, see Exporting FBX [Data Management].
Envelope |
Exports the scene's envelopes. When disabled the scene is exported without envelopes. The geometry is still exported but does not have any weighting assigned to it. |
Keep XSI effectors |
Exports the skeleton and its effectors as they were defined in Softimage. See Skeleton Conversions [Data Management] for more details. When this option is enabled, the effectors are not transferred under the last bone of their chain. If you keep Softimage effectors you cannot characterize your skeleton in MotionBuilder, although keyframing is still available. When this option is disabled, the effectors are moved so that their parent becomes the last bone of their chain. This is required for characterizing in MotionBuilder. When using Softimage's Animation Mixer to animate your character, make sure that the animation is plotted and that there are no clips in the Animation Mixer or the file may not export correctly. Save your file before deleting your clips. |
Export envelope deformer as skeleton |
Enables FBX to XNA compatibility. The current limitations are that DirectX FX and action clips are not exported. In Softimage, although it's common to use skeletons as deformers, you can actually use any object such as nulls and implicit objects. (Keep in mind that FBX does not support implicit objects and you should convert them to a supported geometry type before exporting.) Skeletons are made up of bones connected by articulated joints. The combination of bones and joints is referred to as a chain. Chains have four basic elements: a root, bones, joints, and an effector. The FBX format recognizes these chain elements as typical parts of a skeleton and exports them as a "LimbNode" with the "Skeleton" flag. For example, Model: "Model::Biped:RFootEff", "LimbNode" { ... } TypeFlags: "Skeleton". When the Export Envelope Deformer as Skeleton option is disabled, a non-chain element such as a null that is being used as a deformer will not be exported as a skeleton element. For example, Model: "Model: :Biped:ChestControl", "Null" { ... } TypeFlags: "Null". This default behavior can cause problems for tools (such as the Autodesk FBX - XNA Framework Content Importer) that expect any deformer involved in a skinning computation to be exported with the "Skeleton" flag. To solve this issue, select the Export Envelope Deformer as Skeleton option. When the Export Envelope Deformer as Skeleton option is enabled, any object that is acting as an envelope deformer will be exported with the "Skeleton" flag. Note that only envelope deformers are exported with the "Skeleton" flag when this option is enabled: IK chains that are not deforming an envelope are not considered skeleton elements. |
Show the Warnings and Errors dialog box |
Lets you enable or disable the display of the FBX Import/Export Warning Dialog Box that may appear during the export process. [Default is Enabled] |