



modeling drawing


Welds the specified set of points, by merging source points to target points based on spatial proximity. This command installs a WeldPoints operator. The input ConnectionSet specifies two point sets: the welding sources, followed by the welding targets (optional).

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = WeldPoints( [ConnectionSet], [ImmediateMode] );

Return Value

Returns an XSICollection that contains the created WeldPoints operator.


Parameter Type Description
ConnectionSet ConnectionSet Specifies source and target point sets. See Operator Presets for details on the connection set required for this operator.

Default Value: Currently selected components are used as sources.

Warning: An error occurs if the connection set is invalid. Please verify the connection set required for this operator to avoid breaking your scripts.

ImmediateMode siOperationMode Specifies whether or not the operator should be immediately frozen.

Default Value: siPersistentOperation


JScript Example

// Create a grid and weld a row of points to the next one.
NewScene(null, null);
CreatePrim("Grid", "MeshSurface", null, null);
WeldPointsOp = WeldPoints("grid.pnt[18-26];grid.pnt[27-35]", siPersistentOperation);
Application.LogMessage("New WeldPoints operator: " + WeldPointsOp);
// Running this script should log the following:
// ---------------------------------------------
//INFO : "New WeldPoints operator: grid.polymsh.weldpointsop"

See Also
