


Changes the texture projection operator to read from the top of the operator stack (just above Secondary Shape Modeling), so that the texture projection is applied after all envelope and shape animation. This causes Softimage to reevaluate the UV coordinates every time the object deforms, and the textures that use these coordinates appear to "swim" on the surface of the object.

SwimUVW takes a list of objects and UV properties (texture projections) as input. If an object is a primitive, such as a mesh or a NURBS surface, the command changes the current UV properties used by the materials (see Material.CurrentUV) assigned to the object. If a texture projection does not have an operator (because the operator was frozen), the command has no effect.

Scripting Syntax

SwimUVW( [InputObjs] );


Parameter Type Description
InputObjs String List of objects and UV properties (texture projections).

Default Value: Current selection


VBScript Example

' Set up a sphere with a texture projection and texture image.
CreatePrim "Sphere", "MeshSurface"
CreateProjection "sphere", , siTxtDefaultPlanarXY, , "Texture_Projection"
BlendInTextureLayers , , 1, True, siReplaceAndNoBlendInTextureLayers
SetDisplayMode "Camera", "texturedecal"
' Put an animated twist after the texture projection, so the texture sticks to the surface.
ApplyOp "Twist", "sphere", 3, siPersistentOperation, , 0
SaveKey "sphere.polymsh.twistop.angle", 1, -300
SaveKey "sphere.polymsh.twistop.angle", 100, 300
MsgBox "The projection is evaluated before the twist, so the texture sticks to the surface."
' Now modify the projection to swim: the operator is placed at the top of the stack and
' any deformations occur before the UV property is computed.
SwimUVW "sphere"
MsgBox "The projection is now evaluated after the twist, so the texture swims on the surface."
' Perform a new modeling operation. Note that the texture still swims on the surface.
SelectGeometryComponents "sphere.pnt[27]"
Translate , 3.66557060971011, 4.9427099682274, -0.49427099682274, siRelative, siView, siObj, siXYZ, , , , , , , , , , 0
MsgBox "New modeling operations are inserted in the stack below the texture read position."
' Play back the animation.  Note the texture swims on the surface.

See Also

StickUVW ReprojectUVW CreateProjection CreateSubprojection