





Toggles the render region's auto-refresh state in the specified viewport(s). When auto-refresh is on, the render region will re-render its contents upon any render-relevant change in the scene. When off, it only obeys explicit refresh requests or changes to the camera.

Note: When toggling the auto-refresh state for all regions at the same time, if at least one region had auto-refresh turned on, then the auto-refresh state of all regions will be turned off by this command. Otherwise it will be turned on. Also note that changing the auto-refresh state of all regions will also change the global default and preferences.

This command replaces the obsolete command ToggleFreezeRefresh.

Scripting Syntax

RenderRegionToggleAutoRefresh( [Viewport] );


Parameter Type Description
Viewport siViewport The viewport(s) containing the render region with the auto-refresh to toggle.

Default Value: siViewportCurrent (the viewport the cursor is currently hovering over)


JScript Example

// Toggles the auto-refresh status of Refreshes the render region 
// in the viewport A (the top view).
RenderRegionToggleAutoRefresh( siViewportA );

See Also

RenderRegionCreate RenderRegionClose RenderRegionToggleVisibility RenderRegionRefresh RenderRegionToggleSelectionTracking RenderRegionSave RenderRegionSetDisplayType RenderRegionSetRenderChannel