





Creates a new render region in the specified viewport(s). The size of the region can also be be controlled relative to the viewport(s) it is created in. If the render region already exists in the viewport(s), it will simply be resized. If hidden, it becomes visible. If the size specified for the region, or the size of the viewport is less than a certain minimum (currently 8 pixels on a side) the region is not created.

Scripting Syntax

RenderRegionCreate( [Viewport], [Left], [Right], [Top], [Bottom] );


Parameter Type Description
Viewport siViewport The viewport(s) to open the new render region in.

Default Value: siViewportCurrent (the viewport the cursor is currently hovering over)

Left Double Fractional position of the left-hand side of the region relative to the viewport's width from the left.

Default Value: 0.1

Right Double Fractional position of the right-hand side of the region relative to the viewport's width from the left.

Default Value: 0.9

Top Double Fractional position of the top of the region relative to the viewport's height from the top.

Default Value: 0.1

Bottom Double Fractional position of the bottom of the region relative to the viewport's height from the top.

Default Value: 0.9


JScript Example

// Create a render region in all available viewport (including object view)
// such that they cover the entire view.
RenderRegionCreate( siViewportAll, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 );

See Also

RenderRegionClose RenderRegionToggleVisibility RenderRegionRefresh RenderRegionToggleAutoRefresh RenderRegionToggleSelectionTracking RenderRegionSave RenderRegionSetDisplayType RenderRegionSetRenderChannel