





Saves the contents of the render region in the specified viewport(s) to disk. The command can save the contents that are already there or wait until the render is completed before saving. The default format is PNG, which is suitable for display in web pages.

Note: If all viewports are specified and two or more regions are open, the command tries to intelligently name the files it saves by adding a suffix to the filename before the extension.

Scripting Syntax

RenderRegionSave( [Viewport], [FileName], [WaitUntilComplete] );


Parameter Type Description
Viewport siViewport The viewport(s) containing the render region to save.

Default Value: siViewportCurrent (the viewport the cursor is currently hovering over)

FileName String Full path name of where to save the render region contents to.

Default Value: A file browser pops up

WaitUntilComplete Boolean Specifies whether to wait for the render to finish or not. If set to false, whatever the render region has rendered so far will be saved.

Default Value: True


JScript Example

// Creates a render region and saves out the center portion of it to disk.
RenderRegionCreate( siViewportB, 0.25, 0.75, 0.25, 0.75 );
RenderRegionSave( siViewportB, "C:\\temp\\example.png", true );

See Also

RenderRegionCreate RenderRegionClose RenderRegionToggleVisibility RenderRegionRefresh RenderRegionToggleAutoRefresh RenderRegionToggleSelectionTracking RenderRegionSetDisplayType RenderRegionSetRenderChannel