Legs and Feet

You can automatically create human-like or animal-like legs using the MakeLeg or MakeDogLeg commands. Thigh roll subdivision as well as optional up vectors can be added to either command. Either can be used in any combination to create the legs of bipeds or quadrupeds.

This section contains the following topics:

Human Leg

The MakeLeg command creates a two-bone chain based on the positions of the top of the leg, the knee and the ankle. Use the MakeFoot command to add a foot.

Example of leg. Right leg automatically created with box shadow rig and left leg with thigh roll division.

Dog Leg

The MakeDogLeg command creates a three-bone chain for the leg as well as a three-boned foot. The command requires six guide objects for the leg and three more for the foot.

When creating a dog leg style leg, the foot is automatically added.

Quadruped Humerus and Femur Roll Control

Note that the quadruped's humerus and femur roll subdivisions (the upper parts of their front and hind legs), are controlled from the MakeQuadruped and MakeBipedDogLeg commands.


The MakeFoot command is created from six control objects that identify its position and pivot points. Note that the MakeBipedDogLeg command automatically creates a foot for you.