



character rigging


Creates a character with the same proportions as a biped dog leg guide. The guide must be a model named "Biped_DogLeg_Guide".

Scripting Syntax

oBiped = MakeBipedDogLeg( [TorsoType], [TorsoStretch], [TorsoDivisions], [IconType], [MakeBelly], [BellySlide], [BellyCenterPercentage], [HeadType], [HeadStretch], [HeadDivisions], [Ears], [RotationOrder], [ArmSymmetry], [ArmAttachment], [FingerType], [ForeArmRoll], [ForeArmDivisions], [BicepRoll], [BicepDivisions], [ThighRoll], [ThighDivisions], [ArmPitSlide], [HipSlide], [ThighSlide], [ElbowsJoint], [ShadowType], [ShadowHands], [OneModel], [IndependentLower], [CreateShadowKeySet], [SelectUsingUI] );

Return Value

Returns a dog leg Biped JScript object.


Parameter Type Description
TorsoType Integer Whether quaternion spine or skeleton spine should be used.

Default Value: 0

Possible Values:


0 Quaternion spine.
1 Skeleton spine.
TorsoStretch Integer Whether the spine should stretch to follow the chest controller, or maintain a constant length.

Default Value: 0

Possible Values:


0 Stretches by spine scale slider.
1 Stretches to meet the chest controller.
TorsoDivisions Integer The number of spine divisions. The number of vertebra will be NbDivisions+1 .

Default Value: 3

IconType Integer Type of icon to use for chest, hip, and upper body controls.

Default Value: 0

Possible Values:


0 Use square controllers.
1 Use cube controllers.
MakeBelly Boolean Option to create a belly control. See MakeBelly command.

Default Value: 0

BellySlide Integer Connects two point slide controls between the belly and hip, blending motion between the hip and belly for more realistic skin deformation. The slides are placed on either side of the belly control.

Default Value: 0

BellyCenterPercentage Double Controls where the center of the belly is placed. A value of 0 attaches the belly center at the hip and bottom spine vertebra, giving a large radius for belly swing. A value of 1 puts the belly center near the belly surface, giving a small radius for belly swing. Generally the larger the swing radius, the slower a belly will bounce and jiggle.

Default Value: 0

HeadType Integer The style of head assembly to be used.

Default Value: 0

Possible Values:


0 Skeleton head and neck.
1 Spine head and neck.
HeadStretch Integer Whether the neck spine should stretch automatically to follow the head, or try to maintain a constant length. This parameter is ignored for the skeleton head type.

Default Value: 0

HeadDivisions Integer The number of divisions on the neck if a spine head assembly is choosen. This parameter is ignored for the skeleton head type.

Default Value: 3

Ears Boolean Option to generate ears (a form of tail, see MakeTail ) from the ear guides on the biped dog leg guide.

Default Value: 0

RotationOrder Integer Option for YZX rotation order on the arms, otherwise XYZ order is used. YZX is the best rotation order for preventing gimble lock on arms.

Default Value: 0

Possible Values:


0 YZX order.
1 XYZ order.
ArmSymmetry Integer Options for symmetric manipulation of the arms. Negative scaling is applied to the right arm to give symmetric manipuation.

Default Value: 0

Possible Values:


0 Symmetric manipulation (one arm has negative scaling).
1 Asymmetric manipulation (both arms have positive scaling).
ArmAttachment Integer Option to parent the arms under the shoulders (default) or under the hips.

Default Value: 0

Possible Values:


0 Arms are children of shoulders (FK arm style).
1 Arms are children of the hips (shrugging shoulder style).
FingerType Integer Option to construct finger bones from 2D or 3D chains.

Default Value: 0

Possible Values:


0 Fingers are 2D chains and the preference angles orient with Finger blades.
1 Fingers are 3D chains and preference angles are the pose of the guide.
ForeArmRoll Boolean Option to add forearm roll division ( see MakeForearmRoll for a description of forearm roll division ).

Default Value: 0

ForeArmDivisions Integer The number of forearm roll divisions. If the value is zero no roll is created.

Default Value: 3

BicepRoll Boolean Option to add bicep roll division ( see MakeBicepRoll for a description of bicep roll division ).

Default Value: 0

BicepDivisions Integer The number of bicep roll divisions. If the value is zero no roll is created.

Default Value: 3

ThighRoll Integer Option to add thigh roll division to the thigh bone. Thigh roll division is the same as bicep roll division (see MakeBicepRoll for a description of bicep roll division).

Default Value: 0

ThighDivisions Integer The number of thigh roll divisions. If the value is zero no roll is created.

Default Value: 3

ArmPitSlide Boolean Option to create a two-point slide between the bicep and the chest bone. Guide cubes for the slides are are on either side of the chest bone and in the bicep bones. See Make2PointSlide for a description of two-point slides.

Default Value: 0

HipSlide Boolean Option to create a two-point slide between the thigh and the hip bone. Guide cubes for positioning the slides are on either side of the hip. See Make2PointSlide for a description of two-point slides.

Default Value: 0

ThighSlide Boolean Option to create a thigh slide between the thigh and the hip bone. Guide cubes for positioning the slides are found behind the legs of the guide. See MakeThighSlide for a description of thigh slides.

Default Value: 0

ElbowsJoint Boolean Option to create joint compression between the bicep and the forearm. See MakeJointCompression for a description of joint compression.

Default Value: 0

ShadowType Integer The type of shadow rig to constrain to the biped. Shadow rigs can be used to transfer or remap animation.

Default Value: 0

Possible Values:


0 None
1 SI|3D Skeleton
2 XSI Skeleton
3 Null hierarchy
4 Box hierarchy
5 Box with IK arms
6 Box with IK legs
7 Box with IK legs and arms
ShadowHands Integer Option to create a shadow rig for the hands.

Default Value: 0

OneModel Boolean If true, then the rig and the shadow rig are created under the same model.

Default Value: 0

IndependentLower Boolean If true, then the shadow rig has a hip plate created with it.

Default Value: 0

CreateShadowKeySet Boolean If true, then the shadow rig has a character key set created with it. It is only used in scripting.

Default Value: 0

SelectUsingUI Boolean If true a dialog box will prompt the user to select the above options.

Default Value: 0


JScript Example

        This example generates two biped dog leg rigs from a biped dog leg guide.
GetProportionalGuide("Biped_DogLeg_Guide", 0, 0);
// Generate a default rig from the guide
MakeBipedDogLeg(1, 0, 3, 0, false, 0, 0.25, 0, 0, 3, false, 0, 1, 0, 0, false, 0, false, 0, false, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, 0, false, false, false, true);
Translate("Biped_DogLeg.GlobalSRT", -10, 0, 0, siRelative, siView, siObj, siXYZ, null, null, siXYZ, null, null, null, null, null, null, 0);
//Generate a rig with box shadow from the guide
MakeBipedDogLeg(1, 0, 3, 0, false, 0, 0.25, 0, 0, 3, false, 0, 1, 0, 0, false, 0, false, 0, false, 0, false, false, false, false, 4, 0, false, false, false, true);
Translate("Biped_DogLeg1.GlobalSRT", 10, 0, 0, siRelative, siView, siObj, siXYZ, null, null, siXYZ, null, null, null, null, null, null, 0);

See Also

MakeQuadruped MakeBiped