Showcase Add-in API Python Reference

The Showcase Add-in API Python Reference documents all the classes you will use to create custom add-ins for the Showcase application. The classes are contained in a collection of Python modules, and represent the public API to Showcase. Note that the exposed modules and classes presented in this section are also used for the in-house development of Showcase itself.

A subset of the API consists of C++ classes that have been "wrapped" in Python. Wrapping adapts the underlying C++ classes, methods and functions to the Python language. It provides a stable (and supported) Python interface to the underlying C++ code. In terms of usage the native Python modules and wrapped C++ are indistinguishable to the add-in developer. However, for these modules you will find the Showcase Add-in API C++ Reference provides more comprehensive documentation. Python module names of the form aw<Module> - - for example awUtil - - indicate a wrapped C++ module.

Much of the work of controlling Showcase from an add-in (or a remote UI) is done via the Showcase built-in messages system. Messages are used to send commands from your add-in to the running Showcase application, where they are automatically queued and serviced on a first-in, first-out basis. Use messages to instruct Showcase to load a scene, delete objects in the scene, etc., as well as to invoke more complex behaviors. The Message Reference area documents the messages that are available for use in your add-ins.

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