Understanding Messages


At the heart of interacting with and/or controlling Showcase from a custom add-in is the Showcase Message Passing Architecture. Messages allow your add-in to change to the state of the running Showcase application, and to receive feedback from Showcase. The sample add-ins presented here illustrate how to work with the Showcase Message Passing Architecture.

Workflow, Samples and Tools

Workflow Related samples and tools Details
Displaying Messages Python:
  • EchoMessagesCustom.py


Writes all Messages to the Showcase Console window.

For example, when an end-user triggers a menu item, the corresponding MENU_INVOKE_ITEM Message is echoed.

Understanding Message formats Python:
  • MenusAndHotkeys.py


Adds items to the Help menu that show the Message formats for invoking built-in menu functionality.

Also adds a new menu called Local Menu to the main menu bar.

Determining Response Messages Python:
  • ResponsemessagesList.py


  • Action Messages
  • Response Messages
Adds a button to the Help menu that lists all the Action Messages and their corresponding Response Messages.
Sending messages from remote UI (html) Python:
  • MessageByLabels.py


  • SHOT_*
  • SLIDE_*
  • Etc.
Illustrates how to send MESSAGES to Showcase by "label" rather than "message ID". This is useful for invoking menu functionality from a remote UI using html.
Registering a custom message Python:
  • BackgroundCustom.py


  • Adds a custom Message
Sets viewport background color by registering a custom message with the Message system. Also sets its size.

Note that this sample does not make use of SET_DISPLAY_BACKGROUND_COLOR. It registers a custom message instead.