Create a YouTube movie from shots or slides


The YouTube tab of the Publish window is very similar to the Movie tab. The only difference is that there are no Save as and Compression options.

To create a YouTube movie of shots or slides:

  1. Select File > Publish to YouTube.
  2. Set your movie settings as described in Create a movie from shots or slides (without needing to select a file format or compression option).
  3. In the Publish to YouTube window, click Publish to YouTube.

    The YouTube Account Login window prompts you for your YouTube login information.

  4. If you do not have a YouTube account, click the Don't have a YouTube account? link to create one.
  5. Type your YouTube credentials into the YouTube Account Login window and click Submit.

    You are prompted to save the movie to your local hard disk, to the cloud, or both. This depends on what you selected in the Publish box of the Publish to YouTube window. The file will be uploaded to YouTube after you save it.

  6. Click Save.

    Showcase creates the movie file and uploads it to YouTube. Depending on the size of the movie and the speed of your internet connection, this may take several minutes.

    A browser window opens at the YouTube page, and Showcase opens a new email message on your behalf including a link to the YouTube movie.

  7. Optional: In the browser window, sign in to your YouTube account again and confirm that your movie has uploaded as expected. The default permissions for videos are set to “Public.” The privacy options can be modified on YouTube to restrict access.
  8. Optional: Add recipients to the email message and send.