Showcase can export files for use in other applications, or for use by other Showcase users. This is also a convenient way
to “compact” a file to contain just selected or final information.
Exporting a scene as APF
- Hide objects in the scene that you may not wish to export.
- Select
The Export options window appears:
- Select from the file type drop-down menu.
- Check the appropriate Data Retention options
- : will write out any referenced spline data into the same APF file as the polygonal data used in Showcase. If the original
spline data is not available (see Import models) then no spline/nurbs data will be included.
Having this option checked can dramatically increase the file size, processing time, and system resource (RAM) use, depending
on the source files for your scene.
- : will include any hidden objects in the scene at export. Look in the Organizer (see Use the Organizer) for objects that are hidden before choosing this option.
- : will include any objects that are part of model alternatives that are not currently active (see Set up and view visibility lineups).
- : will write out objects that have been combined (see Combine and separate objects to improve frame rate) in the Organizer as single polygonal objects in the APF file. To preserve the current Showcase scene organization, this
option is checked by default.
- : will write out only the objects that are currently selected, while applying any of the previous options.
- Press the button and browse to the location for the file.
Supported entities
The Export as APF function will only write out certain entities in your Showcase scene. Not all elements of the scene file
or referenced files will be exported.
Entities and objects supported are:
- : this includes all LODs and alternatives (if hidden objects or hidden alternatives are included), and any duplicated or mirrored
objects in the scene.
- : if the option to include spline/nrbs udata is checked. This option will also increase the file size and processing time.
- : this includes the Color and Highlight properties of Showcase materials, but not image maps or ambient shadowing.
- : this includes only those nodes that are included in the export, and some names may be modified on import in other applications.
- Flipped normals, patch reversals, and patch deletions are preserved.
Exporting a scene as FBX
Export as FBX is useful for sending data prepared in Showcase to other applications that support FBX, such as Autodesk®Maya™
or Autodesk®3DSMax™. The data can be animated and brought back into Showcase (through FBX) or rendered in the host application.
- Hide objects in the scene that you may not wish to export
- Select
The Export options window appears:
- Select FBX file from the file type drop-down menu.
- Select your up-axis for the output file, either Z-up or Y-up.
Most animation systems are Y-up, while most CAD and Design systems are Z-up, like Showcase.
- Check the appropriate Data Retention options:
- : will include any hidden objects in the scene at export. Look in the Organizer (see Use the Organizer) for objects that are hidden before choosing this option.
- : will include any objects that are part of model alternatives (see Set up and view visibility lineups), which may be hidden in the current view.
- : will write out objects that have been combined (see Combine and separate objects to improve frame rate) in the Organizer as single polygonal objects in the APF file. To preserve the current Showcase scene organization, this
option is checked by default.
- Press the button and browse to the location for the file.
Included entities
The Export as FBX function will only write out those entities in your scene that are both supported by the FBX format and
can be translated from the Showcase scene. Not all elements of the scene file or referenced files will be exported.
Entities and objects supported are:
- : this includes the visible LOD and alternatives (if hidden objects are included), and any duplicated or mirrored objects
in the scene.
- : this includes the Color and Highlight properties of Showcase materials, but not image maps or ambient shadowing.
- : this includes only the first frame of animated shots, for position and orientation of the 3D camera.
- : this includes only those nodes that are included in the export, and some names may be modified on import in other applications.
- Flipped normals and patch reversals are preserved.
Exporting as A3S (Autodesk Scene File)
Showcase uses the A3S file as its basic container for scenes. Both Save and Save As will create these scene files, but exporting
as a Scene File provides further options for compacting the scene. This is useful for sharing finished projects with others
without all of the working files and intermediate data.
- Hide objects in the scene that you may not wish to export.
- Select
The Export options window appears:
- Select from the file type drop-down menu.
- Check the appropriate Data Retention options
- : will write out any referenced spline data into the companion directory for the Scene. If the original spline data is not
available (see Import models) then no spline/nurbs data will be included.
Having this option checked can dramatically increase the file size, processing time, and system resource (RAM) use, depending
on the source files for your scene.
- : will include any hidden objects in the scene at export. Look in the Organizer (see Use the Organizer) for objects that are hidden before choosing this option.
- : will include any objects that are part of model alternatives that are not currently active (see Set up and view visibility lineups).
- : will write out any associated image texture files into the companion directory with the scene file. To preserve the visible
textures in the scene, this option is checked by default.
- : will write out only the objects that are currently selected, while applying any of the previous options.
- Press the button and browse to the location for the file.
Tips and warnings
- When reading the FBX into 3D applications, deselect the FBX import option . Showcase does not write any edge smoothing information, and this function can add visual artifacts and significant extra
processing time to imports in Maya.
- Save your scene before exporting to FBX. The FBX export works entirely in available RAM. If your scene has a large amount
of polygons, many LODs, or you have many other applications running, the export may fail to write all the data, and you may
lose data in Showcase.
- Export only the objects you want in the FBX. Hide objects that do not need to be in the exported file, and optimize the scene
before exporting large hierarchies.