To display the Tour Building Wheel:
- On the , click the drop-down.
- Select .
The wheel appears and follows the mouse pointer in the viewport.
To move the camera forward:
- Click and hold the wedge.
A target sphere is displayed on the surface under the mouse pointer.
NoteThe target sphere only appears when the mouse pointer is over an object. When the pointer is not over the model, there is
no reference point for the camera to move toward.
- Drag the mouse pointer to move the camera toward, or away from, the target sphere.
A vertical slider provides an indication of how far from the start position the camera has been moved.
TipYou can move the slider beyond both the Surface and Start points.
- Release the mouse button, when you have moved the camera the desired distance, to exit the Forward tool.
To look around the view without moving the camera:
- Click and hold the wedge.
The mouse pointer changes to the tool.
- Drag the tool in any direction to point the camera in that direction.
- Release the mouse button to exit the tool.
To return to a previous view:
- Click and hold the wedge.
A series of thumbnails is displayed. New thumbnails are created each time you release the mouse button when using any 3D SteeringWheel.
- Move the tool over the thumbnails. As you do so, each of the views is displayed on the canvas.
- Release the mouse button to return to the desired view.
TipClick the wedge once to rewind a single view only.
To change the camera elevation:
- Click and hold the wedge.
A vertical slider is displayed.
- Drag the mouse pointer to increase or decrease camera elevation.
NoteIf you are viewing a model of a multistory building, the tool may pass through floors and ceilings.
- Release the mouse button to set the camera elevation.