Change the location for temporary file storage


By default, Showcase uses your system’s default location to store temporary files.

You can change this location using a system variable located in the userPrefs.xml file. You may want to do this to:

To change the temporary directory:

  1. Close Showcase if it is running.
  2. Using a text editor, open the file userPrefs.xml. It is located at:
    C:\Documents and Settings\<yourfolder>\My Documents\Autodesk Showcase\userPrefs.xml

    where <yourfolder> is your own user folder.

  3. Find the following lines in the <option_preferences> section.
    <option_preference name="temp_directory" value="SYSTEM_TEMP"> </option_preference>

    The SYSTEM_TEMP value indicates your system’s preferred location is being used by the software.

  4. Change the SYSTEM_TEMP value to a fully-qualified location. For example,
    <option_preference name="temp_directory" value="D:\TempDirectories\Autodesk Showcase"> </option_preference>
  5. Start the application.

    The new temporary directory will be used.