Positioning lights

Lights can be placed in the scene automatically, interactively, or with the standard transform controls. Automatic and interactive placement are done through the Light Properties dialog and require that the light be associated with some objects in the scene.

Auto Placement

Auto placement will set the position, orientation and drop-off distance of the light to appropriate values based on the current camera distance to the associated objects and the placement method you choose.

Click the Choose>> button to select the auto placement method for the light.

Interactive Placement

Click the Start button to interactively position the light around your objects. The light will maintain its distance to the current point of interest, as if sliding on the surface of a sphere centered on that point. Moving the point of interest will change the radius of that sphere.

Transform controls

Lights can be positioned and oriented like any object in the scene using interactive and numeric transforms. Unlike the automatic or interactive placement methods above, transforms can be applied to more than one light at a time. Lights can also be Grouped and transformed as a group.

To interactively transform the selected light, press the H key to show the transform handles (or select Edit -> Show Transform Handles). Click and drag on the handles to move or rotate the light.

See Also