Store< type > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Store< type >, including all inherited members.
Add(const type &e)Store< type > [inline]
Add(type &e)Store< type > [inline]
Address(void) const Block
Alloc(unsigned int iNewSize)Array< type > [inline]
Allocate(unsigned int iSize, bool bKeepContent=false)Store< type > [inline]
Array(const char *sName)Array< type > [inline]
Array(const char *sName, unsigned int iSize)Array< type > [inline]
Array(const char *sName, const type *pArray, int iSize)Array< type > [inline]
Array(const char *sName, bool bNoObjects)Array< type > [inline]
Array(const char *sName, const Array< type > &a)Array< type > [inline]
mudbox::Block::Block(const char *sName, unsigned int iItemSize)Block [inline, protected]
Check(void) const Block
CheckAll(void)Block [static]
Clear(bool bDestruct=false)Store< type > [inline]
Clone(void) const Store< type > [inline]
Clone(Store &s) const Store< type > [inline]
Compare(const void *a, const void *b)Store< type > [inline, protected, static]
Copy(Store &s) const Store< type > [inline]
mudbox::Array::Copy(Array< type > &a) const Array< type > [inline]
CopyMemoryBlock(void *pDestination, const void *pSource, long long iSize)Block [static]
Extend(unsigned int iIndex)Store< type > [inline]
Extend(int iIndex)Store< type > [inline]
Fill(type cPattern)Store< type > [inline]
Find(type a)Store< type > [inline]
Find(type *a)Store< type > [inline]
GetFrom(Store &s)Store< type > [inline]
Head(void)Block [inline, static]
IndexOf(type pValue)Store< type > [inline]
IsEmpty(void) const Store< type > [inline]
ItemCount(void) const Store< type > [inline]
ItemSize(void) const Block [inline]
Last(void)Store< type > [inline]
LogAll(float fSizeFilter=0.01f, bool bSortByAddress=false)Block [static]
m_bDataArray< type > [mutable, protected]
m_iItemSizeBlock [protected]
m_iSizeStore< type > [mutable]
m_pArrayArray< type > [mutable, protected]
m_pNextBlock [protected]
m_pPrevBlock [protected]
m_pThisArray< type > [mutable, protected]
MemoryUsage(void) const Array< type > [inline, virtual]
Name(void) const Block
Next(void) const Block [inline]
operator bool(void) const Store< type > [inline]
operator!(void) const Store< type > [inline]
operator+(unsigned int iIndex)Store< type > [inline]
operator+(int iIndex)Store< type > [inline]
operator=(const Store &s)Store< type > [inline]
mudbox::Array::operator=(const Array< type > &a)Array< type > [inline]
operator[](unsigned int iIndex) const Store< type > [inline]
operator[](unsigned int iIndex)Store< type > [inline]
operator[](int iIndex) const Store< type > [inline]
operator[](int iIndex)Store< type > [inline]
Optimize(void)Store< type > [inline]
RegisterMemoryBlock(long long iSize)Block [static]
Remove(const type &e)Store< type > [inline]
Remove(unsigned int iIndex)Store< type > [inline]
RemoveDuplicates(void)Store< type > [inline]
RemoveTail(int iItemCount=1)Store< type > [inline]
s_pHeadBlock [protected, static]
Serialize(class Stream &s)Store< type >
Set(unsigned int iStart, unsigned int iSize, unsigned char cPattern)Array< type > [inline]
SetAllocatorID(const char *pAllocatorID)Block [static]
SetBuffer(type *pData, unsigned int iSize=0)Store< type > [inline]
SetItemCount(unsigned int iSize, bool bKeepContent=false)Store< type > [inline]
Size(void) const Block
Sort(void)Store< type > [inline]
Store(const char *sName="unknown")Store< type > [inline]
Store(unsigned int iSize, const char *sName)Store< type > [inline]
Store(const type *pArray, int iSize, const char *sName="unknown")Store< type > [inline]
Store(bool bNoObjects, const char *sName)Store< type > [inline]
Store(const Store &s)Store< type > [inline]
UnregisterMemoryBlock(long long iSize)Block [static]
~Array(void)Array< type > [inline]
~Block(void)Block [protected]
~Store(void)Store< type > [inline]