You can use Flatten to UV Space to perform basic repositioning of UV texture coordinates on a flattened 2D version of a model.
The Pinch, Grab, or Smear tools can perform basic UV position adjustments on the model since they work within the plane of the flattened surface as opposed to along the normal. Other sculpt tools displace the vertices normal to the mesh so are not suitable for UV edits. For more extensive UV modifications, it is recommended that you use another application with UV editing capabilities.
You can flatten multiple objects at once by selecting them with the Objects selection tool.
A flattened copy of the selected model is created with vertex positions that are identical to the UV texture coordinates on the original model. The model appears unfolded exactly like its associated UVs, generally in multiple flattened pieces.
The original 3D version of the model is temporarily invisible. By default, the flattened model appears in the same camera position as the 3D version.
If you flatten multiple meshes at once, they may appear stacked in the 3D View. You can select and translate each mesh to separate them for painting.
The UV edits modify the appearance of the applied texture map.
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