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Create menu



Creates a new model in the 3D View based on the template you select.

TipTo make your own models available from this menu, see Add models to the Create > Mesh menu.

Creates a 2D curve on the view plane based on pre-defined geometric shapes. Select from the following default curve shapes:


Creates a new camera. To edit camera properties, select a camera in the Object List and edit in the Properties window.


Creates a new light, Directional, Point, or Image Based. A Directional light is the default light for the 3D View. See also Create and edit lights.


Creates a new material. The default material types are: Mudbox Material, Simple Blinn, Lit Sphere Material, and CgFX-based Material. See also Create and apply materials.

Selection Set

Creates a selection set composed of the selected faces and objects.

Tiling Plane

Opens the Create New Tiling Plane window, letting you set options for creating a new tiling plane.

Related topics

Load a sculpt template

Sculpt using curve guides

Switch camera views