Create a turn


In the following procedure, you slice a clip in two, then rotate a ghost clip vector to make Mia turn as she runs.

  1. Go to frame 11.

    At this frame, Mia’s left foot is flat on the ground as shown in the following figure.

    Mia at frame 11.

  2. In the Story window, select the clip (B), and click the Razor button (A) as shown in the following figure.

    Story window A. Razor button B. Selected clip

    The clip is sliced into two clips at frame 11(A).

    Character track A. Clip sliced in two at the current time

  3. Switch to the X-Ray display mode in the Viewer window, then make sure the Show/Hide Ghost option in the Character track (A) is activated as shown in the following figure.

    Character track A. Show/Hide Ghost option

  4. Go to frame 0 (Ctrl-Home).

    When the Show/Hide Ghost option is active, the ghosts display in the Viewer window as shown in the following figure.

    The clip vector ghosts represent the start and end of each clip. For each clip, there is one clip vector ghost that you can select and manipulate (B and C).

    Mia model at frame 0 A. Model ghost B. First clip’s ghost clip vector C. Second clip’s ghost clip vector

  5. In the Story window, select the second clip if it is not still selected (A).

    Character track A. The second clip is selected

    The ghost clip vector of the selected clip is also selected in the Viewer window.

  6. Click in the Viewer window and press the keyboard shortcut R.

    Rotation rings appear at one end of the selected clip vector ghost, as shown in the following figure.

    If the rings do not appear at the same point of the clip vector, double-click the clip vector’s In point as shown to select it.

    A. Rotation rings B. Second ghost clip vector’s In point

  7. In the Viewer window, enter a value of -70 in the Rotation Y-axis field as shown in the following figure (A).

    The clip vector turns to Mia’s right (B).


    You can manually rotate the clip vector by dragging the green rotation ring.

    A. Rotation Y-axis field B. Ghost clip vector is rotated

  8. J-drag in the Viewer window to jog through frames 8 to 16 slowly.

    Mia turns as she runs, but her foot jumps slightly at frame 11. You need to blend the clips to remove the jump.

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