Test the walk cycle


In the following procedure, you test the new walk cycle clip to see if it loops smoothly.

  1. Make sure that the Loop/Scale option is set to Loop, as shown in (A).

    Story window A. Loop/Scale option is set to Loop.

  2. Zoom out on the Character tracks, then stretch the end of the mia_walk_cycle clip to frame 116 (A). The clip loops four times.

    Character tracks A. Clip stretched to frame 116.

  3. Right-click any Character track and select Frame Start/End from the context menu.
  4. Click the first Character track’s Mute button (A) to disable the track.

    Character tracks A. Mute selected

  5. Play the animation. Mia walks smoothly for 140 frames.


In this tutorial, you took a short clip of animation and turned it into a looping walk cycle. In the next tutorial, Manipulating Clips, you learn how to edit character animation by modifying clips.

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