Process the clips


In the following procedure, you process the two clips to save them as a single result clip. Later, you use this new clip to animate a different character.

  1. Right-click on the Character track near the Character name and select Frame Start/End from the context menu (A). The time range is resized to fit the length of the clips.

    Character track context menu A. Frame Start/End option selected.

  2. Right-click the Character track again and select Process Track/Subtracks To New Clip from the context menu (A).

    Character track context menu A. Process Tracks/Subtracks To New Clip option

  3. In the Process Track and Subtrack dialog that appears, change the Process Rate to 24 FPS. Click OK.

    Process Track and Subtracks dialog box

  4. In the Save Clip dialog box that appears, save your new clip as mia_walk_cycle.fbx.

    You need the saved clip to complete this tutorial.

    Save Clip dialog box

    In the Story window, a second Character track appears containing the new mia_walk_cycle.fbx clip (A).

    Story window A. New mia_walk_cycle.fbx clip

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