Optical Segment options


The Optical Segment options enable you to split, remove, reset segments, and swap markers.

The Optical Segment options are displayed when the Timeline indicator is positioned over a segment as shown in the following figure.

Optical editor displaying the Optical Segment options

The Optical Segment options are described in the following table.

ImportantYou can't undo optical segment actions in the Timeline such as Split Segment, Remove Segment, and Reset Segment.

Optical Segment options Description

Split Segment

Split Segment cuts the current segment in two.

Use Split Segment to remove part of a data segment that contains a spike, noise, or other results of partial occlusion.

Remove Segment

Remove Segment removes the current segment from its marker.

Use Remove Segment to label a segment to another marker.

Reset Segment

Reset Segment resets the data segment to its original state.

Use Reset Segment to set a segment to its original state after you have modified the segment using a Control Curve or performed other operations.

If the original segment was split, it resets the modifications made to the current segment but it does not reassemble the segments.

Swap with Marker

Swap with Marker swaps data from the currently selected marker to another marker.

The swapping method is determined by the settings in the Insert menu in the Optical Options Label pane.

See Eliminating Swapping.

The Optical Segment options are also accessible when right-clicking a segment.

See Optical Segment and Gap options.

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