The toolbar in the tab contains the following buttons:
- Show/Hide
- Manipulation and keying
- Pinning
- Stance Pose
Show/Hide buttons
Let you toggle the display of FK effectors, IK effectors, and the skeleton.
Displays or hides the IK effectors of the character.
Displays or hides the FK effectors of the character.
Displays or hides the skeleton of the character.
Manipulation and keying mode buttons
Let you set manipulation and keyframing modes for working with the Control rig of the character. You can manipulate and set
keyframes on the character’s entire body (), a part of the body (), or only on the selected effector (Selection).
Sets the Character Controls to keying and manipulation mode, letting you select individual effectors to manipulate the entire character. For example, translating
the wrist effector of a character the in mode affects the whole body as it moves to reach that effector.
Forcing a stance pose in this mode will force the entire character into a stance pose and the character will be offset relative
to its reference node.
Sets the tool to mode, letting you manipulate and set keys on a single body part, based on the selected effector.
Forcing a stance pose in this mode will force the selected body part(s) into a stance pose. If the hips are part of the selection,
the character will be offset relative to its reference node.
Sets the tool to Selection mode, letting you manipulate and key only the selected effector(s). In this mode, you can manipulate one effector without solving the rest of the character, then use the Blend and Pull controls
to adjust how much the rest of the character reaches for that effector.
The Character representation displays white highlighting on cells to show which part of the character is active for manipulation
and keying. For example, in the manipulation mode, when you select a left wrist effector, all left arm cells in the Character highlight in white.
Pinning buttons
Let you activate, disable, or temporarily release pinning on effectors.
Pinning gives you more control over character manipulation, letting you constrain specific effectors from moving or rotating
as you make adjustments to the rest of the character position. For example, you can pin the wrist in rotation but let it move
in translation, so that as you adjust the wrist position or arm position, the wrist can move but does not twist.
When you create a biped Control rig, IK effectors on the feet of the character are pinned in translation and rotation by default.
On a quadruped Control rig, the feet are pinned in both translation and rotation.
Pinning feedback displays on each cell in the Character representation. See Pinning for more information.
Pins and unpins the selected effector in translation. When pinned, the selected effector cannot be moved, and a T displays on its corresponding cell in the Character representation.
Pins and unpins the selected effector in rotation. When pinned, the selected effector cannot be rotated, and an R displays on its corresponding cell in the Character representation.
Temporarily releases all translation or rotation pinning for the selected effector and effectors down the chain.
Stance Pose
The icon (
) resets the Control rig to its default T-stance pose.
Selecting this icon in the mode forces the entire character into a stance pose and the position of the character if offset, relative to its reference
mode. In the mode, the selected body part(s) are forced into a stance pose. If the hips are part of the selection, then the character
will be offset, relative to its reference node. Note that this feature does not apply to the mode.
TipYou can also force a stance pose by selecting

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