The length of a take may be too long or too short compared to the animation it contains. A take may start playing in the middle
of the animation or end before the entire edit finishes playing. This happens because the timeline only plays between the
Start and End time codes on the Action timeline. To fix this, you can resize the take.
Change the current take’s length using one of the following:
- In the Transport Controls, double-click the Start or End fields and type a frame number.
- In the Transport Controls, drag in the Start or End fields to change the frame number.
- In the Transport Controls, right-click the timeline in the Transport Controls, and select Set Start or Set End to set the
start or end time. The start or end of the take changes to match the current time.
- In the Story window, drag the green markers at the bottom of the Action Track list. The green markers indicate the start and
end of the take (A and D) and correspond with the Start and End fields in the Transport Controls window.
- In the Motion Blend window, click Adjust Take Start & End in the Motion Blend Options pane.
For more information, see Edit buttons.