

FCurves window improvements

A new FCurves window has been added to MotionBuilder to be more consistent with other Autodesk applications. FCurves window improvements include:

Multi-point editing

Multi-point editing was possible in previous releases of MotionBuilder. Now, this functionality has been visually enhanced to be more consistent with other Autodesk applications.

Isolate selected curves

Quickly narrow your focus in the FCurves window by showing only the curves you want to work with. The new Isolate curve option lets you easily view curves for selected channels only.

Auto tangent type

This new tangent type replaces the Bezier-Auto and Bezier-Clamp options. As you move keyframes in the FCurves window, Auto tangents can automatically self-adjust to ensure smooth transitions, without overshooting maximum and minimum values. Auto tangents can save animators valuable time when roughing out animation, as tangents are naturally adjusted to avoid creating spikes.

The Auto tangent type is common to several other Autodesk applications, and is the default tangent type for new keys.

Simplified toolbar option

The FCurves contextual menu now includes a Classic Mode option which toggles the FCurves window between the classic, full toolbar, and a more simplified toolbar that displays a smaller set of options. Switching off Classic Mode gives animators who primarily use MotionBuilder as part of a suite a more streamlined display of curve editing tools.


The following table lists updates to interpolation terminology.

Updated Term Replaces
Auto Bezier-Auto and Bezier-Clamp
Fixed Bezier-User
Stepped Constant
Stepped Step Constant Standard
Stepped Step Next Constant Next

See Interpolation for a detailed explanation of each interpolation type.

Recording and storing vertex animation/point cache

MotionBuilder now supports the recording and playback of point cache data on models. Use point cache to boost performance on animation intensive scenes or to transfer animation based on complex constraint or physics set-ups into other applications. Enable recording through an option in the Model settings.

NotePoint cache is supported by the FBX file format.

Physx point cache recording

Physx point cache recording is only for Softbodies and Cloth and does not support Fluids.

NURBS Curves support

MotionBuilder now supports NURBS Curves from Maya. Learn more about NURBS Curves in the Maya Help online:

Synchronisation of animation with physics

A new physics solver property has been added. Enable ForceAnimationSync in the properties window when computation of the physics takes longer than the animation.

NoteEnabling this property will restrict animation playback to occur only when physics is live. As a result, your animation playback could be slower.

Time Code property

This property can be used with a time code generating device and allows you to associate time code to animation.

Up-vector property

Path constraints now have an option to set an up-vector. This option can be enabled in the properties window.

Real Time Filter operator

This Relations constraint operator applies a low-pass filter that allows filtering of live, incoming data. Real Time Filter can be found in the Other section of the Relations constraint Object browser.

Displacement operator

This Relations constraint operator has been created to eliminate the dependency on display frame rates when using Relations constraints with Physics. Displacement can be found in the Vector section of the Relations constraint Object browser.