Approximation area

The Approximation area lets you create a proxy or a “Dummy” for your character.

Approximation menu

Option Function
Create Generates a proxy model.
Delete Deletes the proxy model.
Apply Changes Applies current changes to the Ragdoll proxy model information, such as changes to color, size, mass, and so on.
Update Ragdoll Updates the approximation to match the character pose when it has been transformed into a different position.

The Physics solver cannot be set to Live while you pose the character.

Mirror Part Mirrors a body part to the other side, or mirror the entire side.
Mirror Side Mirrors a side of the character body to other side.

Save menu

Use these options to create a text file that contains any modifications made to the current solve.

Option Function
Save as Save the current modifications as a text file.
Load Lets you open a previously saved set of solve modifications.
Default Sets the current settings as the default in the current Config file (DefaultRagdoll.txt) so that any time you click Reset to Default, the properties are reset to this state.

Manually adjusting the Ragdoll approximation

Since the Ragdoll approximation is generic creation, you can achieve better results if you customize it. You can select and transform the Ragdoll approximation components to create a better fit for your character. This can be especially useful when you work with pose matching.

Scaling a thigh approximation component.