Joint types

The following table lists the available Joint types and their behaviors.

Joint type Description
Ball (Default) A Ball joint works like a “Ball and Socket concept”. It has degrees of freedom, and works like a shoulder socket.
Hinge A Hinge joint swings on one axis and is like a door hinge. You can set limits for the joint rotation.
Hinge-2 The Hinge-2 joint is a series of connected joints. Unlike the Hinge joint, it has two connection points and lets you set a parent with two children so you can have one or two rotation axes.
Slider The Slider joint is like a piston. There is one free axis, but instead of rotating, the Slider joint moves back and forth in a translation effect.
Universal The Universal joint is based on two axes or a plane, for example, an XY plane. You can imagine the Universal joint like a cross (+) shape placed at the joint and that the orientation of the cross (+) defines the axis of freedom.
Spring The Spring joint is like the Slider joint, except that it also has lateral movement. This creates an effect like a child’s spring toy.
Motor The Motor joint lets you connect an object so you can drive the direction of the force. The Motor joint has a single axis of freedom that allows rotation and use force to launch the rotation. This joint behaves like a tire axle with an engine attached.