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MArrayDataBuilder Class Reference

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Detailed Description

Array builder for arrays in data blocks.

An MArrayDataBuilder is used to construct data for attributes/plugs that have an array of data. An array builder is used with an MArrayDataHandle for managing data.


apiMeshShape.cpp, dynExprField.cpp, multiCurveNode.cpp, ownerEmitter.cpp, simpleEmitter.cpp, sweptEmitter.cpp, torusField.cpp, and weightListNode.cpp.

#include <MArrayDataBuilder.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

  MArrayDataBuilder (const MObject &attribute, unsigned int numElements, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
  Obsolete ...
  MArrayDataBuilder (MDataBlock *, const MObject &attribute, unsigned int, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
  The class constructor receives an attribute object and the number of elements to allocate space for.
MDataHandle  addLast (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
  Adds a new element to the end of the array.
MDataHandle  addElement (unsigned int index, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
  Adds a new element to the array at the given index.
MArrayDataHandle  addLastArray (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
  Adds a new element to the end of the array.
MArrayDataHandle  addElementArray (unsigned int index, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
  Adds a new element to the array at the given index.
MStatus  removeElement (unsigned int index)
  Removes the specified element from the array.
unsigned int  elementCount (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  Returns the number of elements in the array.
MStatus  growArray (unsigned int amount)
  Grows the array storage by the given amount.
MStatus  setGrowSize (unsigned int size)
  Sets the grow size of the array.
  MArrayDataBuilder (const MArrayDataBuilder &other)
  Copy constructor.
MArrayDataBuilder operator= (const MArrayDataBuilder &other)
  Assignment operator.
  ~MArrayDataBuilder ()
  Class destructor.

Static Public Member Functions

static const char *  className ()
  Returns the name of this class.


class  MArrayDataHandle

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MArrayDataBuilder ( const MObject attribute,
unsigned int  numElements,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 

Obsolete ...

This method is obsolete.

Use the other constructor instead.
[in] attribute attribute for which we wish to build data
[in] numElements number of elements to allocate space for
[out] ReturnStatus result status code
MArrayDataBuilder ( MDataBlock block,
const MObject attribute,
unsigned int  numElements,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 

The class constructor receives an attribute object and the number of elements to allocate space for.

The MObject must be a multi attribute (i.e. a plug that is a composite of multiple element plugs). This is different, for example, from a single attribute of type kVectorArrayData, which would be passed through a single plug as a single lump of data. Common examples of a multi-plug are the worldMatrix attribute that is on all DAG nodes, or the position attribute on the particleShape node.

This class will also take as input the datablock that the builder belongs to. You must specify this datablock if you want your builder to support per-plug caching.

[in] block the data block that the builder belongs to.
[in] attribute attribute for which we wish to build data
[in] numElements number of elements to allocate space for
[out] ReturnStatus result status code
Status Codes:
MArrayDataBuilder ( const MArrayDataBuilder other )

Copy constructor.

[in] other The source object to copy from.

Member Function Documentation

MDataHandle addLast ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL )

Adds a new element to the end of the array.

The index of the element will be the current highest index + 1.

[out] ReturnStatus result status code
The handle for the new element
Status Codes:
MDataHandle addElement ( unsigned int  index,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 

Adds a new element to the array at the given index.

[in] index the index at which we wish to add the new element
[out] ReturnStatus result status code
The handle for the new element
Status Codes:
apiMeshShape.cpp, dynExprField.cpp, ownerEmitter.cpp, simpleEmitter.cpp, sweptEmitter.cpp, torusField.cpp, and weightListNode.cpp.
MArrayDataHandle addLastArray ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL )

Adds a new element to the end of the array.

The added element is also an array. The index of the element will the current highest index + 1.

[out] ReturnStatus result status code
The handle for the new array element
Status Codes:
MArrayDataHandle addElementArray ( unsigned int  index,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 

Adds a new element to the array at the given index.

The added element is also an array.

[in] index the index at which we wish to add the new element
[out] ReturnStatus result status code
The handle for the new array element
Status Codes:
MStatus removeElement ( unsigned int  index )

Removes the specified element from the array.

[in] index the element of the array to remove
Result status code
Status Codes:
unsigned int elementCount ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL ) const

Returns the number of elements in the array.

[out] ReturnStatus result status code
The number of elements
Status Codes:
MStatus growArray ( unsigned int  amount )

Grows the array storage by the given amount.

[in] amount the amount to grow the array by
Result status code
Status Codes:
MStatus setGrowSize ( unsigned int  size )

Sets the grow size of the array.

As elements are added to the array, the builder will allocate memory in chunks. This method tells the builder how many elements to allocate each time it grows the array.

[in] size the number of elements to allocate when growing the array
Result status code
Status Codes:
MArrayDataBuilder & operator= ( const MArrayDataBuilder other )

Assignment operator.

[in] other The source object to copy from.
const char * className ( ) [static]

Returns the name of this class.

Name of this class.

MArrayDataBuilder MArrayDataBuilder MArrayDataBuilder MArrayDataBuilder MArrayDataBuilder MArrayDataBuilder MArrayDataBuilder MArrayDataBuilder MArrayDataBuilder MArrayDataBuilder
MArrayDataBuilder MArrayDataBuilder MArrayDataBuilder MArrayDataBuilder MArrayDataBuilder MArrayDataBuilder MArrayDataBuilder MArrayDataBuilder MArrayDataBuilder MArrayDataBuilder