
// ==========================================================================
// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
// ==========================================================================

#include <maya/MIOStream.h>
#include <math.h>

#include <torusField.h>

#include <maya/MTime.h>
#include <maya/MVectorArray.h>
#include <maya/MDoubleArray.h>
#include <maya/MMatrix.h>

#include <maya/MFnDependencyNode.h>
#include <maya/MFnTypedAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MFnNumericAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MFnCompoundAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MFnUnitAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MFnVectorArrayData.h>
#include <maya/MFnDoubleArrayData.h>
#include <maya/MFnMatrixData.h>

MObject torusField::aMinDistance;
MObject torusField::aAttractDistance;
MObject torusField::aRepelDistance;
MObject torusField::aDrag;
MObject torusField::aSwarmAmplitude;
MObject torusField::aSwarmFrequency;
MObject torusField::aSwarmPhase;

MTypeId torusField::id( 0x80018 );

void *torusField::creator()
    return new torusField;

MStatus torusField::initialize()
//  Descriptions:
//      Initialize the node, attributes.
    MStatus status;

    MFnNumericAttribute numAttr;

    // create the field basic attributes.
    aMinDistance = numAttr.create("minDistance","mnd",MFnNumericData::kDouble);
    numAttr.setDefault( 0.0 );
    numAttr.setKeyable( true );
    status = addAttribute( aMinDistance );
    McheckErr(status, "ERROR adding aMinDistance attribute.\n");

    aAttractDistance = numAttr.create("attractDistance","ad",
    numAttr.setDefault( 20.0 );
    numAttr.setKeyable( true );
    status = addAttribute( aAttractDistance );
    McheckErr(status, "ERROR adding aAttractDistance attribute.\n");

    aRepelDistance = numAttr.create("repelDistance","rd",
    numAttr.setDefault( 10.0 );
    numAttr.setKeyable( true );
    status = addAttribute( aRepelDistance );
    McheckErr(status, "ERROR adding aRepelDistance attribute.\n");

    aDrag = numAttr.create("drag", "d", MFnNumericData::kDouble);
    numAttr.setDefault( 0.0 );
    numAttr.setKeyable( true );
    status = addAttribute( aDrag );
    McheckErr(status, "ERROR adding aDrag attribute.\n");

    aSwarmAmplitude = numAttr.create("swarmAmplitude", "samp",
    numAttr.setDefault( 0.0 );
    numAttr.setKeyable( true );
    status = addAttribute( aSwarmAmplitude );
    McheckErr(status, "ERROR adding aSwarmAmplitude attribute.\n");

    aSwarmFrequency = numAttr.create("swarmFrequency", "sfrq",
    numAttr.setDefault( 1.0 );
    numAttr.setKeyable( true );
    status = addAttribute( aSwarmFrequency );
    McheckErr(status, "ERROR adding aSwarmFrequency attribute.\n");

    aSwarmPhase = numAttr.create("swarmPhase", "sa", MFnNumericData::kDouble);
    numAttr.setDefault( 0.0 );
    numAttr.setKeyable( true );
    status = addAttribute( aSwarmPhase );
    McheckErr(status, "ERROR adding aSwarmPhase attribute.\n");

    // the new attribute will affect output force.
    //status = attributeAffects( aMinDistance, outputForce );
    //McheckErr(status, "ERROR in attributeAffects(aMinDistance,outputForce).\n");
    //status = attributeAffects( aAttractDistance, outputForce );
    //McheckErr(status, "ERROR in attributeAffects(aAttractDistance,outputForce).\n");
    //status = attributeAffects( aRepelDistance, outputForce );
    //McheckErr(status, "ERROR in attributeAffects(aRepelDistance,outputForce).\n");
    //status = attributeAffects( aDrag, outputForce );
    //McheckErr(status, "ERROR in attributeAffects(aDrag,outputForce).\n");

    return( MS::kSuccess );

MStatus torusField::compute(const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& block)
//  Descriptions:
//      compute output force.
    MStatus status;

    if( !(plug == mOutputForce) )
        return( MS::kUnknownParameter );

    // get the logical index of the element this plug refers to.
    int multiIndex = plug.logicalIndex( &status );
    McheckErr(status, "ERROR in plug.logicalIndex.\n");

    // Get input data handle, use outputArrayValue since we do not
    // want to evaluate both inputs, only the one related to the
    // requested multiIndex. Evaluating both inputs at once would cause
    // a dependency graph loop.
    MArrayDataHandle hInputArray = block.outputArrayValue( mInputData, &status );
    McheckErr(status,"ERROR in hInputArray = block.outputArrayValue().\n");

    status = hInputArray.jumpToElement( multiIndex );
    McheckErr(status, "ERROR: hInputArray.jumpToElement failed.\n");

    // get children of aInputData.
    MDataHandle hCompond = hInputArray.inputValue( &status );
    McheckErr(status, "ERROR in hCompond=hInputArray.inputValue\n");

    MDataHandle hPosition = hCompond.child( mInputPositions );
    MObject dPosition =;
    MFnVectorArrayData fnPosition( dPosition );
    MVectorArray points = fnPosition.array( &status );
    McheckErr(status, "ERROR in fnPosition.array(), not find points.\n");

    MDataHandle hVelocity = hCompond.child( mInputVelocities );
    MObject dVelocity =;
    MFnVectorArrayData fnVelocity( dVelocity );
    MVectorArray velocities = fnVelocity.array( &status );
    McheckErr(status, "ERROR in fnVelocity.array(), not find velocities.\n");

    MDataHandle hMass = hCompond.child( mInputMass );
    MObject dMass =;
    MFnDoubleArrayData fnMass( dMass );
    MDoubleArray masses = fnMass.array( &status );
    McheckErr(status, "ERROR in fnMass.array(), not find masses.\n");

    // Compute the output force.

    MVectorArray forceArray;
    bool useMaxDistSet = useMaxDistanceValue( block );
    if( useMaxDistSet )
        applyMaxDist( block, points, velocities, masses, forceArray );
        applyNoMaxDist( block, points, velocities, masses, forceArray );

    // get output data handle
    MArrayDataHandle hOutArray = block.outputArrayValue( mOutputForce, &status);
    McheckErr(status, "ERROR in hOutArray = block.outputArrayValue.\n");
    MArrayDataBuilder bOutArray = hOutArray.builder( &status );
    McheckErr(status, "ERROR in bOutArray = hOutArray.builder.\n");

    // get output force array from block.
    MDataHandle hOut = bOutArray.addElement(multiIndex, &status);
    McheckErr(status, "ERROR in hOut = bOutArray.addElement.\n");

    MFnVectorArrayData fnOutputForce;
    MObject dOutputForce = fnOutputForce.create( forceArray, &status );
    McheckErr(status, "ERROR in dOutputForce = fnOutputForce.create\n");

    // update data block with new output force data.
    hOut.set( dOutputForce );
    block.setClean( plug );

    return( MS::kSuccess );

void torusField::applyNoMaxDist
        MDataBlock &block,              // get field param from this block
        const MVectorArray &points,     // current position of Object
        const MVectorArray &velocities, // current velocity of Object
        const MDoubleArray &/*masses*/,     // mass of Object
        MVectorArray &outputForce       // output force
//  Descriptions:
//      Compute output force in the case that the useMaxDistance is not set.
    // points and velocities should have the same length. If not return.
    if( points.length() != velocities.length() )

    // clear the output force array.

    // get field parameters.
    double magValue = magnitudeValue( block );
    // double attenValue = attenuationValue( block );
    double minDist = minDistanceValue( block );
    double attractDist = attractDistanceValue( block );
    double repelDist = repelDistanceValue( block );
    double dragMag = dragValue( block );
    double swarmAmp = swarmAmplitudeValue( block );

    // get owner's data. posArray may have only one point which is the centroid
    // (if this has owner) or field position(if without owner). Or it may have
    // a list of points if with owner and applyPerVertex.
    MVectorArray posArray;
    ownerPosition( block, posArray );

    int fieldPosCount = posArray.length();
    int receptorSize = points.length();

    // With this model,if max distance isn't set then we
    // also don't attenuate, because 1 - dist/maxDist isn't
    // meaningful. No max distance and no attenuation.
    if (dragMag <= 0)
        if (swarmAmp <= 0)
            // No max dist, no attenuation, no drag, no swarm
            for (int ptIndex = 0; ptIndex < receptorSize; ptIndex ++ )
                MVector forceV(0.0,0.0,0.0);
                const MVector &receptorPoint = points[ptIndex];

                // Apply from every field position to every receptor position.
                for(int i = fieldPosCount; --i>=0; )
                    MVector difference = (receptorPoint-posArray[i]);

                    double distance = difference.length();
                    if (distance < minDist) continue;

                    if (distance <= repelDist)
                        forceV += difference * magValue;
                    else if (distance >= attractDist)
                        forceV += -difference * magValue;
                outputForce.append( forceV );
            // No max dist, no attenuation, no drag, yes swarm
            for (int ptIndex = 0; ptIndex < receptorSize; ptIndex ++ )
                MVector forceV(0.0,0.0,0.0);
                const MVector &receptorPoint = points[ptIndex];

                // Apply from every field position to every receptor position.
                double distance = 0.0;
                int i;
                for(i = fieldPosCount; --i>=0; )
                    MVector difference = (receptorPoint-posArray[i]);
                    distance = difference.length();
                    if (distance < minDist) continue;

                    if (distance <= repelDist)
                        forceV += difference * magValue;
                    else if (distance >= attractDist)
                        forceV += -difference * magValue;

                // Apply swarm only if the object is inside the zone
                // the repulsion-attraction is pushing the object to.
                if ( distance >= repelDist && distance <= attractDist)
                    double frequency = swarmFrequencyValue( block );
                    MVector phase( 0.0, 0.0, swarmPhaseValue(block) );

                    // Add swarm in here
                    for(i = fieldPosCount; --i >= 0;)
                        MVector difference = receptorPoint - posArray[i];
                        difference = (difference + phase) * frequency;

                        double *noiseEffect = &difference.x;
                        if( (noiseEffect[0] < -2147483647.0) ||
                            (noiseEffect[0] >  2147483647.0) ||
                            (noiseEffect[1] < -2147483647.0) ||
                            (noiseEffect[1] >  2147483647.0) ||
                            (noiseEffect[2] < -2147483647.0) ||
                            (noiseEffect[2] >  2147483647.0) )

                        double noiseOut[4];
                        noiseFunction( noiseEffect, noiseOut );
                        MVector swarmForce( noiseOut[0] * swarmAmp,
                                            noiseOut[1] * swarmAmp,
                                            noiseOut[2] * swarmAmp );
                        forceV += swarmForce;
                outputForce.append( forceV );
        if (swarmAmp <= 0)
            // Yes drag, no swarm
            for (int ptIndex = 0; ptIndex < receptorSize; ptIndex ++ )
                const MVector& receptorPoint = points[ptIndex];

                // Apply from every field position to every receptor position.
                MVector forceV(0,0,0);
                double distance = 0.0;
                for(int i = fieldPosCount; --i>=0; )
                    MVector difference = (receptorPoint-posArray[i]);
                    distance = difference.length();
                    if (distance < minDist) continue;

                    if (distance <= repelDist)
                        forceV += difference * magValue;
                    else if (distance >= attractDist)
                        forceV += -difference * magValue;

                // Apply drag only if the object is inside the zone
                // the repulsion-attraction is pushing the object to.
                if ( distance >= repelDist && distance <= attractDist)
                    if (fieldPosCount > 0)
                        MVector dragForceV;
                        dragForceV = velocities[ptIndex] *
                                                (-dragMag) * fieldPosCount;
                        forceV += dragForceV;

                outputForce.append( forceV );
            // Yes drag, yes swarm
            for (int ptIndex = 0; ptIndex < receptorSize; ptIndex ++ )
                const MVector &receptorPoint = points[ptIndex];

                // Apply from every field position to every receptor position.
                MVector forceV(0,0,0);
                double distance = 0.0;
                int i;
                for(i = fieldPosCount; --i>=0; )
                    MVector difference = (receptorPoint-posArray[i]);
                    distance = difference.length();
                    if (distance < minDist) continue;

                    if (distance <= repelDist)
                        forceV += difference * magValue;
                    else if (distance >= attractDist)
                        forceV += -difference * magValue;

                // Apply drag and swarm only if the object is inside
                // the zone the repulsion-attraction is pushing the object to.
                if ( distance >= repelDist && distance <= attractDist)
                    if (fieldPosCount > 0)
                        MVector dragForceV;
                        dragForceV = velocities[ptIndex] *
                                                (-dragMag) * fieldPosCount;
                        forceV += dragForceV;

                    // Add swarm in here
                    double frequency = swarmFrequencyValue( block );
                    MVector phase( 0.0, 0.0, swarmPhaseValue(block) );

                    for(i = fieldPosCount; --i>=0; )
                        MVector difference = receptorPoint - posArray[i];
                        difference = (difference + phase) * frequency;

                        double *noiseEffect = &difference.x;
                        if( (noiseEffect[0] < -2147483647.0) ||
                            (noiseEffect[0] >  2147483647.0) ||
                            (noiseEffect[1] < -2147483647.0) ||
                            (noiseEffect[1] >  2147483647.0) ||
                            (noiseEffect[2] < -2147483647.0) ||
                            (noiseEffect[2] >  2147483647.0) )

                        double noiseOut[4];
                        noiseFunction( noiseEffect, noiseOut );
                        MVector swarmForce( noiseOut[0] * swarmAmp,
                                            noiseOut[1] * swarmAmp,
                                            noiseOut[2] * swarmAmp );
                        forceV += swarmForce;
                outputForce.append( forceV );

void torusField::applyMaxDist
        MDataBlock& block,              // get field param from this block
        const MVectorArray &points,     // current position of Object
        const MVectorArray &velocities, // current velocity of Object
        const MDoubleArray &/*masses*/,     // mass of Object
        MVectorArray &outputForce       // output force
//  Descriptions:
//      Compute output force in the case that the useMaxDistance is set.
    // points and velocities should have the same length. If not return.
    if( points.length() != velocities.length() )

    // clear the output force array.

    // get field parameters.
    double magValue = magnitudeValue( block );
    double attenValue = attenuationValue( block );
    double maxDist = maxDistanceValue( block );
    double minDist = minDistanceValue( block );
    double attractDist = attractDistanceValue( block );
    double repelDist = repelDistanceValue( block );
    double dragMag = dragValue( block );
    double swarmAmp = swarmAmplitudeValue( block );

    // get owner's data. posArray may have only one point which is the centroid
    // (if this has owner) or field position(if without owner). Or it may have
    // a list of points if with owner and applyPerVertex.
    MVectorArray posArray;
    ownerPosition( block, posArray );

    int fieldPosCount = posArray.length();
    int receptorSize = points.length();

    if (attenValue > 0.0)
        // Max distance applies and so does attenuation.
        for (int ptIndex = 0; ptIndex < receptorSize; ptIndex ++ )
            const MVector &receptorPoint = points[ptIndex];

            // Apply from every field position to every receptor position.
            MVector forceV(0,0,0);
            MVector sumForceV(0,0,0);
            for(int i = fieldPosCount; --i>=0; )
                MVector difference = receptorPoint-posArray[i];
                double distance  = difference.length();
                if (distance <= maxDist && distance >= minDist )
                    double force = magValue *
                    forceV = difference * force;

                    // Apply drag and swarm if the object is inside
                    // the zone the repulsion-attraction is pushing the
                    // object to, and if they are set.
                    if ( distance >= repelDist && distance <= attractDist)
                        if (fieldPosCount > 0 && dragMag > 0)
                            MVector dragForceV;
                            dragForceV = velocities[ptIndex] *
                                            (-dragMag) * fieldPosCount;
                            forceV += dragForceV;

                        // Add swarm if swarm aplitude is set.
                        if (swarmAmp > 0)
                            double frequency = swarmFrequencyValue( block );
                            MVector phase( 0.0, 0.0, swarmPhaseValue(block) );

                            difference = receptorPoint - posArray[i];
                            difference = (difference + phase) * frequency;
                            double *noiseEffect = &difference.x;
                            if( (noiseEffect[0] < -2147483647.0) ||
                                (noiseEffect[0] >  2147483647.0) ||
                                (noiseEffect[1] < -2147483647.0) ||
                                (noiseEffect[1] >  2147483647.0) ||
                                (noiseEffect[2] < -2147483647.0) ||
                                (noiseEffect[2] >  2147483647.0) )

                            double noiseOut[4];
                            noiseFunction( noiseEffect, noiseOut );
                            MVector swarmForce( noiseOut[0] * swarmAmp,
                                                noiseOut[1] * swarmAmp,
                                                noiseOut[2] * swarmAmp );
                            forceV += swarmForce;
                if (maxDist > 0.0) forceV *= falloffCurve(distance/maxDist);
                sumForceV += forceV;                    
            outputForce.append( sumForceV );
        // Max dist applies, but not attenuation.
        for (int ptIndex = 0; ptIndex < receptorSize; ptIndex ++ )
            const MVector & receptorPoint = points[ptIndex];

            // Apply from every field position to every receptor position.
            MVector forceV(0,0,0);
            MVector sumForceV(0,0,0);
            int i;
            for(i = fieldPosCount; --i>=0; )
                MVector difference = (receptorPoint-posArray[i]);
                double distance = difference.length();
                if (distance < minDist || distance > maxDist) continue;

                if (distance <= repelDist)
                    forceV = difference * magValue;
                else if (distance >= attractDist)
                    forceV = -difference * magValue;

                // Apply drag and swarm if the object is inside
                // the zone the repulsion-attraction is pushing the
                // object to, and if they are set.
                if ( distance >= repelDist && distance <= attractDist)
                    if (fieldPosCount > 0 && dragMag > 0)
                        MVector dragForceV;
                        dragForceV = velocities[ptIndex] *
                                            (-dragMag) * fieldPosCount;
                        forceV += dragForceV;

                    // Add swarm if swarm aplitude is set.
                    if (swarmAmp > 0)
                        double frequency = swarmFrequencyValue( block );
                        MVector phase( 0.0, 0.0, swarmPhaseValue(block) );

                        for(i = fieldPosCount; --i >= 0;)
                            difference = receptorPoint - posArray[i];
                            difference = (difference + phase) * frequency;
                            double *noiseEffect = &difference.x;
                            if( (noiseEffect[0] < -2147483647.0) ||
                                (noiseEffect[0] >  2147483647.0) ||
                                (noiseEffect[1] < -2147483647.0) ||
                                (noiseEffect[1] >  2147483647.0) ||
                                (noiseEffect[2] < -2147483647.0) ||
                                (noiseEffect[2] >  2147483647.0) )

                            double noiseOut[4];
                            noiseFunction( noiseEffect, noiseOut );
                            MVector swarmForce( noiseOut[0] * swarmAmp,
                                                noiseOut[1] * swarmAmp,
                                                noiseOut[2] * swarmAmp );

                            forceV += swarmForce;
                if (maxDist > 0.0) forceV *= falloffCurve(distance/maxDist);
                sumForceV += forceV;
            outputForce.append( sumForceV );

void torusField::ownerPosition
        MDataBlock& block,
        MVectorArray &ownerPosArray
//  Descriptions:
//      If this field has an owner, get the owner's position array or
//      centroid, then assign it to the ownerPosArray.
//      If it does not have owner, get the field position in the world
//      space, and assign it to the given array, ownerPosArray.
    MStatus status;

    if( applyPerVertexValue(block) )
        MDataHandle hOwnerPos = block.inputValue( mOwnerPosData, &status );
        if( status == MS::kSuccess )
            MObject dOwnerPos =;
            MFnVectorArrayData fnOwnerPos( dOwnerPos );
            MVectorArray posArray = fnOwnerPos.array( &status );
            if( status == MS::kSuccess )
                // assign vectors from block to ownerPosArray.
                for( unsigned int i = 0; i < posArray.length(); i ++ )
                    ownerPosArray.append( posArray[i] );
                MVector worldPos(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
                //status = getWorldPosition( block, worldPos );
                status = getWorldPosition( worldPos );
                ownerPosArray.append( worldPos );
            // get the field position in the world space
            // and add it into ownerPosArray.
            MVector worldPos(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            //status = getWorldPosition( block, worldPos );
            status = getWorldPosition( worldPos );
            ownerPosArray.append( worldPos );
        MVector centroidV(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
        status = ownerCentroidValue( block, centroidV );
        if( status == MS::kSuccess )
            // assign centroid vector to ownerPosArray.
            ownerPosArray.append( centroidV );
            // get the field position in the world space.
            MVector worldPos(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            //status = getWorldPosition( block, worldPos );
            status = getWorldPosition( worldPos );
            ownerPosArray.append( worldPos );

MStatus torusField::getWorldPosition( MVector &vector )
//  Descriptions:
//      get the field position in the world space.
//      The position value is from inherited attribute, aWorldMatrix.
    MStatus status;

    MObject thisNode = thisMObject();
    MFnDependencyNode fnThisNode( thisNode );

    // get worldMatrix attribute.
    MObject worldMatrixAttr = fnThisNode.attribute( "worldMatrix" );

    // build worldMatrix plug, and specify which element the plug refers to.
    // We use the first element(the first dagPath of this field).
    MPlug matrixPlug( thisNode, worldMatrixAttr );
    matrixPlug = matrixPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( 0 );

    // Get the value of the 'worldMatrix' attribute
    MObject matrixObject;
    status = matrixPlug.getValue( matrixObject );
    if( !status )
        status.perror("torusField::getWorldPosition: get matrixObject");
        return( status );

    MFnMatrixData worldMatrixData( matrixObject, &status );
    if( !status )
        status.perror("torusField::getWorldPosition: get worldMatrixData");
        return( status );

    MMatrix worldMatrix = worldMatrixData.matrix( &status );
    if( !status )
        status.perror("torusField::getWorldPosition: get worldMatrix");
        return( status );

    // assign the translate to the given vector.
    vector[0] = worldMatrix( 3, 0 );
    vector[1] = worldMatrix( 3, 1 );
    vector[2] = worldMatrix( 3, 2 );

    return( status );

MStatus torusField::getWorldPosition( MDataBlock& block, MVector &vector )
//  Descriptions:
//      Find the field position in the world space.
    MStatus status;

    MObject thisNode = thisMObject();
    MFnDependencyNode fnThisNode( thisNode );

    // get worldMatrix attribute.
    MObject worldMatrixAttr = fnThisNode.attribute( "worldMatrix" );

    // build worldMatrix plug, and specify which element the plug refers to.
    // We use the first element(the first dagPath of this field).
    MPlug matrixPlug( thisNode, worldMatrixAttr );
    matrixPlug = matrixPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( 0 );

    //MDataHandle hWMatrix = block.inputValue( worldMatrix, &status );
    MDataHandle hWMatrix = block.inputValue( matrixPlug, &status );

    McheckErr(status, "ERROR getting hWMatrix from dataBlock.\n");

    if( status == MS::kSuccess )
        MMatrix wMatrix = hWMatrix.asMatrix();
        vector[0] = wMatrix(3, 0);
        vector[1] = wMatrix(3, 1);
        vector[2] = wMatrix(3, 2);
    return( status );

MStatus torusField::getForceAtPoint(const MVectorArray& points,
                                  const MVectorArray&   velocities,
                                  const MDoubleArray&   masses,
                                  MVectorArray& forceArray,
                                  double    /*deltaTime*/)
//    This method is not required to be overridden, it is only necessary
//    for compatibility with the MFnField function set.
    MDataBlock block = forceCache();

    bool useMaxDistSet = useMaxDistanceValue( block );
    if( useMaxDistSet )
        applyMaxDist( block, points, velocities, masses, forceArray );
        applyNoMaxDist( block, points, velocities, masses, forceArray );

    return MS::kSuccess;

MStatus torusField::iconSizeAndOrigin(  GLuint& width,
                    GLuint& height,
                    GLuint& xbo,
                    GLuint& ybo   )
//  This method is not required to be overridden.  It should be overridden
//  if the plug-in has custom icon.
//  The width and height have to be a multiple of 32 on Windows and 16 on 
//  other platform.
//  Define an 8x8 icon at the lower left corner of the 32x32 grid. 
//  (xbo, ybo) of (4,4) makes sure the icon is center at origin.
    width = 32;
    height = 32;
    xbo = 4;
    ybo = 4;
    return MS::kSuccess;

MStatus torusField::iconBitmap(GLubyte* bitmap)
//  This method is not required to be overridden.  It should be overridden
//  if the plug-in has custom icon.
//  Define an 8x8 icon at the lower left corner of the 32x32 grid. 
//  (xbo, ybo) of (4,4) makes sure the icon is center at origin.
    bitmap[0] = 0x18;
    bitmap[4] = 0x66;
    bitmap[8] = 0xC3;
    bitmap[12] = 0x81;
    bitmap[16] = 0x81;
    bitmap[20] = 0xC3;
    bitmap[24] = 0x66;
    bitmap[28] = 0x18;

    return MS::kSuccess;

#define rand3a(x,y,z)   frand(67*(x)+59*(y)+71*(z))
#define rand3b(x,y,z)   frand(73*(x)+79*(y)+83*(z))
#define rand3c(x,y,z)   frand(89*(x)+97*(y)+101*(z))
#define rand3d(x,y,z)   frand(103*(x)+107*(y)+109*(z))

int     xlim[3][2];     // integer bound for point
double  xarg[3];        // fractional part

double frand( register int s )   // get random number from seed
    s = s << 13^s;
    return(1. - ((s*(s*s*15731+789221)+1376312589)&0x7fffffff)/1073741824.);

double hermite( double p0, double p1, double r0, double r1, double t )
    register double t2, t3, _3t2, _2t3 ;
    t2 = t * t;
    t3 = t2 * t;
    _3t2 = 3. * t2;
    _2t3 = 2. * t3 ;

    return(p0*(_2t3-_3t2+1) + p1*(-_2t3+_3t2) + r0*(t3-2.*t2+t) + r1*(t3-t2));

void interpolate( double f[4], register int i, register int n )
//  f[] returned tangent and value *
//  i   location ?
//  n   order
    double f0[4], f1[4] ;  //results for first and second halves

    if( n == 0 )    // at 0, return lattice value
        f[0] = rand3a( xlim[0][i&1], xlim[1][i>>1&1], xlim[2][i>>2] );
        f[1] = rand3b( xlim[0][i&1], xlim[1][i>>1&1], xlim[2][i>>2] );
        f[2] = rand3c( xlim[0][i&1], xlim[1][i>>1&1], xlim[2][i>>2] );
        f[3] = rand3d( xlim[0][i&1], xlim[1][i>>1&1], xlim[2][i>>2] );

    interpolate( f0, i, n );        // compute first half
    interpolate( f1, i| 1<<n, n );  // compute second half

    // use linear interpolation for slopes
    f[0] = (1. - xarg[n]) * f0[0] + xarg[n] * f1[0];
    f[1] = (1. - xarg[n]) * f0[1] + xarg[n] * f1[1];
    f[2] = (1. - xarg[n]) * f0[2] + xarg[n] * f1[2];

    // use hermite interpolation for values
    f[3] = hermite( f0[3], f1[3], f0[n], f1[n], xarg[n] );

void torusField::noiseFunction( double *inNoise, double *out )
//  Descriptions:
//      A noise function.
    xlim[0][0] = (int)floor( inNoise[0] );
    xlim[0][1] = xlim[0][0] + 1;
    xlim[1][0] = (int)floor( inNoise[1] );
    xlim[1][1] = xlim[1][0] + 1;
    xlim[2][0] = (int)floor( inNoise[2] );
    xlim[2][1] = xlim[2][0] + 1;

    xarg[0] = inNoise[0] - xlim[0][0];
    xarg[1] = inNoise[1] - xlim[1][0];
    xarg[2] = inNoise[2] - xlim[2][0];

    interpolate( out, 0, 3 ) ;

#define TORUS_PI 3.14159265
#define TORUS_2PI 2*TORUS_PI
#define EDGES 30
#define SEGMENTS 20

//  Descriptions:
//      Draw a set of rings to symbolie the field. This does not override default icon, you can do that by implementing the iconBitmap() function
void torusField::draw( M3dView& view, const MDagPath& path, M3dView::DisplayStyle style, M3dView:: DisplayStatus )
     for (int j = 0; j < SEGMENTS; j++ )
        glRotatef( GLfloat(360 * j / SEGMENTS), 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
        glTranslatef( 1.5, 0.0, 0.0 );

         for (int i = 0; i < EDGES; i++ )
            float p0 = float( TORUS_2PI * i / EDGES );
            float p1 = float( TORUS_2PI * (i+1) / EDGES );
            glVertex2f( cos(p0), sin(p0) );
            glVertex2f( cos(p1), sin(p1) );
     view.endGL ();

MStatus initializePlugin(MObject obj)
    MStatus status;
    MFnPlugin plugin(obj, PLUGIN_COMPANY, "3.0", "Any");

    status = plugin.registerNode( "torusField", torusField::id,
                            &torusField::creator, &torusField::initialize,
                            MPxNode::kFieldNode );
    if (!status) {
        return status;

    return status;

MStatus uninitializePlugin(MObject obj)
    MStatus status;
    MFnPlugin plugin(obj);

    status = plugin.deregisterNode( torusField::id );
    if (!status) {
        return status;

    return status;