Fur Description node


Below are descriptions of the attributes in the Fur Description node.

Related topics


For each Fur Description attribute there is a corresponding subsection in the Details section. Here you can define additional values for that attribute. For more information see Randomly vary fur attribute values and Change attribute map value ranges.

Map Offset

Set the factor you want to offset the attribute value by. For example, if you want to change the range of values for fur Length from the default 0-1 to 4-5, set the offset to 4.

Map Multiplier

Set the factor you want the value multiplied by. For example, if you want to change the range of values for fur Length from the default, 0-1, to 0-10, set the multiplier to 10.

Noise Amplitude

Set the noise value for the attribute. A value of 0 produces no noise or variation.

Noise Frequency

Set the noise frequency for the attribute. The larger the Noise Frequency, the more variation over distance or area.

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