If an object has more than one geometry cache attached to it, then a cacheBlend node is automatically created to define and manage the weighting of the object’s multiple geometry caches. See cacheBlend.
When geometry caches overlap in time, their overlapping cache regions are automatically blended together using the caches’ current Input Weight values on their cacheBlend nodes.
Also, cache weights are normalized between overlapping caches. So if two overlapping caches have the same weight values (i.e. 1.0 and 1.0, 0.5. and 0.5 and so on), then they will both equally contribute to the deformations in their cache blend regions on playback.
To blend geometry caches and set their weights
When a geometry cache’s weight is 1.0, it is blended with the current object’s other caches and it fully contributes to the object’s deformations during playback.
When a geometry cache’s weight is 0.0, it is not blended with the current object’s other caches and it does not contribute to the object’s deformations during playback.
After you adjust each cache’s weight value, -click on their weight attributes and select Key Selected from the context-sensitive menu that appears.
This adds keys to your geometry caches, creating weight curves. You can then manipulate these weight curves to smooth the transitions between your object’s overlapping (blended) caches.
You can interactively apply, distribute, and blend the weights of multiple caches on a single object by painting your object’s geometry cache weights directly on its surface. For example, with the Paint Cache Weights Tool, you can paint one cache on the arm of a biped model, paint another cache on the chest of the model, and then blend the two caches at the model’s shoulder to create a smooth transition from the arm’s geometry cache to the chest’s geometry cache.
To paint geometry cache weights
The Paint Cache Weights Tool settings appear in the Tool Settings window. See Geometry Cache > Paint Cache Weights Tool.
For descriptions of these tool settings, see Artisan Tool Settings.
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