

The imgcvt utility converts images or sequences of images from one image format to another.

In a shell window, enter imgcvt followed by the name of the image you want to convert. The input and output image formats are usually determined by the filename extension or image content. However, when the input or output image has no extension, or cannot be identified, the -f and -t options can be used to indicate the desired formats. You can use the following options:

imgcvt <options> input_image output_image

Example 1

imgcvt -f sgi -t tiff input_image output_image

This command converts the image named input_image that is in the Silicon Graphics format to the TIFF format and saves the image out to a different name, output_image.

Example 2

imgcvt -f tiff -t iff input_image output_image

This command converts an tiff image to the IFF file format.


Command line options Description

-f input_image_extension

Identifies the specific image format that you are converting from. For example:

-f sgi

This indicates that only files matching the Silicon Graphics image format are accepted as input.

-t output_image_extension

Identifies the specific image format that you are converting to. For example:

-t tiff

This indicates that files will be converted to the TIFF image format only. For the list of possible extensions, see Image extensions.

-n start end step

Is the start, end and step of an input image sequence (only whole numbers are accepted).

-N start end step

Is the start, end and step of an output image sequence (only whole numbers are accepted).

-r range

In an input image sequence, selects the range of images to be converted from. For example:

imgcvt -r 1-5 ...

imgcvt -r 1-5x2 ...

imgcvt -r 1-5,10-20x2,50 ...

A sequence specifier is a list of single frames or ranges separated by a comma or a slash. For each range, an optional step can be specified after a x.

Sequences can be reversed and offsets can be added to the input or output frame number:

imgcvt -r 100-1 -R 1-100 in.#.rgb out.#.rla

imgcvt -r 1-100 in.#.rgb out.#+100.rla

These are individual sequentially numbered image files.

-R range

In an output image sequence, selects the range of images to be converted to.


Provides a brief description of each option.


Silent mode.


Verbose mode.

-V pal/ntsc

Video mode for yuv files.

-C compress

TIFF compression types: LZW (this is the default) or NONE.

-q N

JPEG quality (0..100; 75 default).


Explore map format.

When you are working on a sequence of images, the # and @ symbols are used to reference the current frame number. The hash (#) indicates a four-digit padded number, whereas @ symbol indicates a non-padded number. The following converts a sequence of 100 frames:

imgcvt -n 1 100 1 image_in.iff.@ image_out.#.rla

For more precise control of the frame number format, use either multiple @ symbols to set a specific padding or use the standard printf(3S) notation:

imgcvt -n 1 100 1 image_in.@@@.rgb image_out.#.rla
imgcvt -n 1 100 1 image_in.%03d.rgb image_out.#.rla
imgcvt -n 1 100 1 image_in.%.2f.rgb image_out.#.rla

Image extensions

Use the following extensions to convert images from one image format to another. In the -f option, you specify the extension of the image format you are converting from. In the -t option, you specify the extension of the image format you are converting to.

Image format Extension

Abekas NTSC or PAL










Kodak Cineon


Lucas Film


Pixibox PXB and SCN

.pxb or .scn

PPM raw/ascii







.rgb, .sgi or .bw



Targa RGB/BW


TIFF 6.0

.tif or .tiff



Wavefront RLA
