Assign to a particle array attribute of different length


You can assign the array attribute of one particle shape node to another node having a different number of particles. The assignment is affected by which node you select in the Object Selection list in the Expression Editor. The number of particles in the selected particle shape node sets the number of statement executions, and, therefore, affects the assignment.


Suppose your scene contains an object named TwoPts made of two particles. The two particles in TwoPts are at these positions:

5 0 0 
6 0 0 

Suppose you create a five-particle object named FivePts with the Particle Tool, and position the particles somewhere in the workspace. Suppose further you select the particle shape node of FivePts in the Expression Editor, then make this assignment in a runtime expression:

FivePtsShape.position = TwoPtsShape2.position;

The five particles move to these positions as soon as the runtime expression executes for the first time:

5 0 0
6 0 0
5 0 0
6 0 0
5 0 0