Re-establish a live connection


After you establish a live streaming connection between a character in MotionBuilder and the same character in Maya, you can end your session and re-establish this connection at a later date.

To re-establish a live connection

  1. Establish a live connection between Maya and MotionBuilder. See Stream animation to a skeleton or Stream animation to a Custom rig.
  2. Save your Maya and MotionBuilder scenes while the live connection is active.

    In Maya, a connection is active when the Live checkbox beside your character's name is turned on in the Live Connection window.

  3. Close Maya and MotionBuilder.
  4. Navigate to C:\Users\<UserName>\Documents\MB\2013-x64\config.
  5. Open the <MachineName>.Application.txt in a text editor of your choice.

    This configuration file must be edited to set MotionBuilder in a server state, so it is ready to re-connect the live stream to Maya.

  6. In the [Networking] section, locate EvaluationMode = SinglePC ; SinglePC , Server, Output, Worker.
  7. Edit this line to read EvaluationMode = Server.
  8. Save and close the text file.
  9. Open the saved Maya and MotionBuilder scenes.
  10. In Maya, open the Live Connection window ( > Edit > Live Connection) and turn on the Live checkbox beside your character's name.

    The connection is re-established.

  11. Play your animation in MotionBuilder and it streams onto the same character in Maya.

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