Opens the window, which lets you associate an audio clip with the selected shot(s). The file you select is assigned as the audio to
playback with each of the selected shots. See Associate audio with a sequence or shot.
Opens the window so you can browse to select and import an editorial file containing audio and video clip information. You can import
files in AAF EDL format or in Apple® Final Cut Pro® XML format. See also Import and export editorial content.
Export of editorial files in AAF format is not currently supported.
- >

When on, you can use the field to specify where to load the imported sequence.
When is on, enter the frame number at which you want to load the imported sequence. Enter a value of 10, for example, to offset
the editorial sequence to start at frame 10.
Opens the window, letting you export editorial files containing audio and video clip information in Apple® Final Cut Pro® XML format. See also Import and export editorial content.
- >

Export Editorial Options
When on, Maya playblasts any shot with no associated movie and re-playblasts any shot where the movie has been disabled. When
off, no playblasting occurs, but previously playblasted shots will still have associated movies in the editorial file.
The menu contains all of trim, split, and snap functions.
Undo the last trim, split, or snap operation.
Redo the last trim, split, or snap operation.
Copies the selected shot(s). (Only available when a shot is selected.)
Maya assigns the same camera assigned to the source shot to the target shot. Any image planes or audio nodes attached to the
shot when you paste are duplicated.
Pastes a copied shot. (Only available when you have copied a shot.)
Enables and disables Ripple Edit mode. When on, manipulating one shot has a ripple effect on other shots.
Use this mode if you want your manipulations of one shot to propagate to other shots. For example, if you drag to make one
shot longer, all other shots are moved forward the same amount. The amount of space between the shots remains the same.
See Turn on ripple editing.
Trims the current shot before the sequence time cursor.
Trims the current shot after the sequence time cursor.
Shows all image planes associated with any shots.
Hides all image planes associated with any shots
Moves the selected shot to display next to its closest neighboring shot to the left, removing any gap between the shots.
Moves the selected shot next to its closest neighboring shot to the right, removing any gap between the shots.
Moves the selected shot to the left, next to the closest neighboring shot on the same track, removing any gap between the
Moves the selected shot to the right, next to the closest neighboring shot on the same track, removing any gap between the
Compresses the track to remove any gaps that have no shot defined. Select whether you remove gaps for or .
Expands the track, removing any overlaps between shots. Select whether you remove overlaps for or .
Removes all gaps and overlaps for selected shots or all shots on the track. Select whether you want to remove for or .
Splits the selected shot. Select >
to open the .
Split Shot Options
Set whether to use the , or select to enter a time value.
Displays the shot attributes in the .
Displays the image plane attributes in the .
Opens the window, which gives you a table view of all shots and shot parameters for quick editing. Use the column to change the shot camera, or use the timing cells to adjust the shot length. See also Change the length of a shot.
Create Shot Options
Enter a name for this shot. This name displays on the shot in the .
Assign the active camera for this shot using the drop-down list of cameras in the scene.
Enter the start time for this camera shot. For example, if you want the shot to start at frame 25, enter 25 as the .
Enter the end time for this camera shot.
Set where you want to create the new shot.
Select one of the preset locations: , , or , or select to use the and fields to specify where you want to place the shot.
Click to open a file browser and select the file you want to display on the image plane for this shot.
Enter an opacity value for the projected image plane.
Select a shot from the list.
Adds the selected shot to the group.
Removes the selected shot from the group.
Removes all the grouped shots from the group, and deletes the group.
Deletes the group and all the shots it contains.
No alpha channel information is included when you playblast shots.
Playblast > Playblast Selected Shots > 
Opens the . Set the following options:
Set the file path where you want to save the output movie file.
By default, the is set to data, the default project directory set in the dialog box. (See File > Project Window.)
(Mac OS X) If you change the current project from the default, the field in the or lists a data directory that does not actually exist. In order to browse to select a new directory, first delete the folder
name that displays in the field, then click the Browse (folder) icon and select a new directory from the file browser.
Set up a naming convention to help you recognize and organize the clips you output from the .
-click this field to select from a list of pre-defined file name components. For example, you can insert the camera name or
current date as part of the file name.
Sets the output movie to play on an image plane.
Lets you control the transparency of the image plane for the playblasted movie. When on, the image plane is fully opaque,
so your playblasted movie hides geometry in the scene view. When off, the image plane is transparent and does not obscure
the scene view.
When on, playblasts using an offscreen rendering buffer instead of a screen grab. You can minimize Maya and still playblast
the movie clip.
NoteThis option is not available for the on Mac OS X.
Select the format for the movie output.
Select the codec you want to use for the movie output. This list updates based on the selected . See Codec support for additional important information.
Lets you control the compression value for the movie output. Results can vary depending on the codec you select in the drop-down list. Quality values can range from 0 to 100, with a default value of 50.
Playblasts all shots into a single movie. Select >
to open the and set options before you playblast the shots.
Playblasts all shots in the sequence into a single movie. All relevant audio tracks are correctly added to the file.
Playblasting a sequence generates a single movie by running sequence time over the length of the entire sequence. Whether
an individual shot contributes to the movie depends on how the shots overlap each other.
The movie output is not associated with any particular shot and is not attached to the image plane for any camera. Use this
option if you want to produce a movie file for use outside of the .
See also Playblast camera shots.
Playblast Sequence > 
Opens the window. Set the following options:
Set the directory where you want to save the output movie.
Enter a filename for the output movie.
When on, Maya launches a new window to play the movie clip when the sequence playblast is complete. (This option is on by
When on, playblasts using an offscreen rendering buffer instead of a screen grab. You can minimize Maya and still playblast
the movie clip.
NoteThis option is not available for the on Mac OS X.
Select the format for the movie output.
Select the codec you want to use for the movie output. This list updates based on the selected . See Codec support for additional important information.
Lets you control the compression value for the movie output. Results can vary depending on the codec you select in the drop-down list. Quality values can range from 0 to 100, with a default value of 50.
- and
Let you specify the resolution of the resulting movie clip.
Re-playblasts a selected shot. Select this option when you have modified an entire shot and want to update the output movie.
To re-playblast only a specific frame range, select >
Re-Playblast Selected Shot > 
Opens the window, which lets you specify a frame range of the selected shot to re-playblast. The new re-playblasted frames replace
the specified frame range in the destination movie file.
Set the following options:
Set whether you want to replace the audio associated with the frames you want to re-playblast. When on, Maya replaces the
audio for the selected frame range in the output movie.
Enter the first frame of the segment you want to re-playblast.
Enter the last frame of the segment you want to re-playblast.
When on, playblasts using an offscreen rendering buffer instead of a screen grab. You can minimize Maya and still playblast
the movie clip.
NoteThis option is not available for the on Mac OS X.
Select the format for the movie output.
Select the codec you want to use for the movie output. This list updates based on the selected . See Codec support for additional important information.
Lets you control the compression value for the movie output. Results can vary depending on the codec you select in the drop-down list. Quality values can range from 0 to 100, with a default value of 50.