To create a wrinkle deformer, use the . The characteristics of the wrinkle deformer you create depend on the ’s tool settings.
See also What is a wrinkle deformer? and Set wrinkle deformers.
The menu item is located under the menu in the menu set (Create Deformers > Wrinkle Tool).
Specifies the type of wrinkle deformer. Select , , or . Default is .
Combine influence wires that are roughly parallel. A tangential wrinkle deformer can only deform a single NURBS surface.
Combines influence wires that branch from a single point, like spokes on a wheel. A radial wrinkle deformer can only deform
a single NURBS surface.
Combines influence wires you created in the fashion that best suits the effect you would like to make. A custom wrinkle deformer
can deform any deformable object (NURBS surfaces, polygonal surfaces, lattices and so on).
Specifies the number of parent influence wires in the wrinkle deformer. The total number of influence wires can also include
child influence wires specified by and . Use the slider to select value between 0 and 20. Default is 3.
Specifies the surface dropoff. The surface dropoff is the area influenced by each influence wire. Use the slider to select
values from 0.0000 to 2.0000. Default is 1.0000.
Specifies how close the wrinkle deformer conforms to the specified , , , and . Use the slider to select values from 0.0000 to 1.0000. Default is 0.2000.
Specifies the sharpness of the creases created by the influence wires. The minimum intensity (0) specifies smooth creases.
The maximum intensity (1) specifies sharp, steep creases. Use slider to select values from 0.0000 to 1.0000. Default is 0.5000.
Specifies the number of child influence wires that branch from each parent influence wire. Applies to radial wrinkle deformers
only. Use slider to select values from 0 to 10. Default is 2.
Specifies the depth of the influence wire hierarchy, which is the number of levels of child influence wires that branch from
each parent influence wire. Increasing the exponentially increases the total number of influence wires. Applies to radial wrinkle deformers only. Use slider to select
values from 0 to 4. Default is 0.